Negative coin revenue after completed missions

Funny is ur not infront of me so i can ur mouth up the proper way.

I didnt even realize it wasnt on purpose. Its a holiday week! Most games do special events. I did find it odd that I wasnt collecting rewards until after a reboot of the game, but the game is buggy and I have to reboot when the quest! button stops working and other buttons stop. I was already punished -250 for playing. as of this morning I am now -2,395. I had 105 gold last night. So I was hit with -2400g overnight. Another penalty? Im out.

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typical of a hacker, aggressive and talking with threats, if you don’t like to hear the truth you can go f yself

No one exploited anything. Blizzard screwed up and is blaming the players.

If you’re defending blizzard you most likely just a wallet warrior Chuck.

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