Loading is too long and its keep loading after 100% twice or three times

In addition to a description of the bug you are reporting, please provide:

  • Device Type: Smarthphone
  • Device Model: Samsumg Galaxy A51
  • Device Operating System: Android Lastest version
  • Warcraft Rumble App Version: Latest version

Game loads to 100% then sometimes crashs and show the “Blizzard” tag and starts to load again to 100%.
Other times it loads to 100% and then restart loading to 100% one more time before the encounter starts.
Its happening all the time, two or three 100% loading before i can play the encounter and for PvP it makes the game unplayable because at the point i get in, ive behind 20s or 30s in disavantage.
This wasnt happening on last season and now when season 7 arrives this loading is taking for ever and crashing a lot.

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