Was this event tested at all? This is extremely frustrating and poorly implemented. I spend the whole match blasting this turkey will executes, ranged and other spells and will not die. Eg. On King Mukla he picks up bananas so by the end he is level 35 or so, the freeze is so wide you can’t actually even attack him?
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That map sucks for the turkey, but it can be done!
wgy pushing these “fully tested and perfectly balanced” events if you actually cant get a single one implemented correctly?
they are made by AI, i think
Same issue. I was able to do it on the griffin boss map since the boss would attack it now and then. Takes forever to kill turkey and when I finally do. Only have a few seconds to damage boss before turkey respawns. If you need some play testers lmk
Can’t even hit the turkey with ranged. They’re frozen midcast before they can even get an attack off because the turkey is so fast. Who comes up with stuff ?
If you do kill the turkey then he just respawns quickly… So lots of fun this one is.