I love how there’s still no “community” forum

Funny how manipulative and dishonest blizzard is, how much they try to scam players, and act like a woke communist Chinese company, instead of an American one. Still no categories for free speech on here eh blizzard? Only bug reports and technical issues? Why not a place where players can talk? Oh wait, because we’d be talking about your obvious predatory children practices, which should be illegal. You don’t want us talking about real issues, you want to continue to steal from Americans, and hide problems.

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i agree. they just dont want to hear what we have to say. and they ban anyone on their discord who have legitimate complaints.

come to Onyxia’s Lair, it is chill there, lots of people.

Yup it would be terrible if people could actually talk about the YouTuber who has to delete his channel because he kept exposing gold bot farmers in WOW and they found where he lived and threatened his life and his family…

Naah thats no big issue. What’s important is punishing the gamers who benefit from updates that the programmers screwed up because they are lazy and don’t test their updates properly… That can not be allowed!

We need forums for General Chat/Game Discussion, Guild Recruitment, Feedback (at least for the new PC setup) and more.

The reason that we don’t have them can be found by perusing any F2P game forum. They want nothing to do with the players and have zero interest in what is actually being said. They’ll milk this game for every dollar they can squeeze out of it and drop it like a bad habit when it stops making them money.

I don’t like the way you went about this. But I agree. Why is there no actual forum?