Hi, just before the ending of the season I had 15063 honor points, and when it restart a new season I didn’t get my:
500 gold, 3000 pts arc energy, tome etoilé S12 x2, tome etoilé Modeste x 1, mégatome x 1, and 10 rare core.
can you give me my rewards?
many thanks
In addition to a description of the bug you are reporting, please provide:
- Device Type: smartphone
- Device Model: honor magic 6 pro
- Device Operating System: Android MagicOS 9
- Warcraft Rumble App Version: last
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A lot of ppl didn’t received rewards, bug,bug everywhere bugs…
Yep, and nothing from Blizz. Has their CS become that bad?
The same happened to me as well. I didn’t receive any rewards and my rank remained the season 10 rank.
Is there a way to raise a support ticket for this?
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Same here. I am not receiving my victory road rewards for this season either.
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Same here! Not much reason to PvP as it is so far.
15k Honor and no rewards so far aswell.
Yes no rewards, my team also… then do or not do pvp ??
I am also not receiving pvp rewards nor rewards from defeating dungeon bosses. I tried to raise a ticket via the in-game system but when I hit submit it just sits there with the little wheel spinning, so I guess the customer service is bugged as well.
Device: iPhone 13
OS: 18.11
Rumble Version: current