Huntress... so, when we gonna nerf that?

Basically, has long range, bounce enough to be AoE but better since it can damage units even if spread out (like necromancer), deals absurd damage, high speed animation so it can attack one more time than most ranged units before dying, goes very fast, resistant to spell damage… COME ON!

Some go “uh actually with gnoll you can kill her” … except gnoll is a terrible mini for a mediocre tribe, and only hits ground units.

Huntress can do EVERYTHING: kills air, kills ground, kills AoE, has enough hp to resist most attacks (like it can survive a worgen stab and attack) won’t die from spells like Blizzard, has absurd range, when talented has stealth so can kill any ranged unit and with long range, most ground units that can’t rush

Like, if it’s gonna be so OP, at least remove the resistant attribute, so it’s just an all-around ground/air unit, instead of this Do-All machine.

And unlike gnoll where any air unit tears it to shreads, Huntress can deal with anything and come into any comp, so while you may counter it with some odd pick, huntress can still counter any air build, any swarmy build, and any spell build .-.

At least Ogre Magi can be flanked with a tank and some ranged units to the side: not for Huntress, since the glaive can bounce to basically anything within range… you can summon a bombardment unit to the side of your tower and THAT GLAIVE WILL REACH IT and get a free kill

It is simply Not fair. Ogre Magi is strong, has AoE, air/ground, but walks slowly, and bloodlust can play against it by taking time to cast it on a useless unit like a miner, plus, can be flanked, and has long windup animation, plus, isn’t spell resistant. None of that for the Huntress, it is simply, the perfect unit


Are you serious…? Bandits which cost 1 gold can kill her. lol


no they can’t, what are u on? send bandits vs her, 1 attack kills both and 2s isn’t enough for bandits to Kill her

plus, get the ambus talent and both ignore each other Zzz

Now, a quillboar COULD kill her, yes

but she can also kill any ranged unit in the game that is not a hero, and a horde of them if present, and is resistant for some reason, and fast, and hits air/ground

it’s a do-all unit, and with Malfurion, she can kill melee as well like said quillboar

Just tried them out. And unless they double their damage in the next 3 levels they do not kill her. I tried it on the map where it sends 1 of her down 3 different lanes and then builds them back up to do it over and over.
I sent the rogues down their own lane. She broke out of the stun at half health and one shot them.

She kills the quillboar before it even gets to do a single attack.

The problem is the game’s convoluted rock-paper-scissors on top of another layer of rock-paper-scissors on top of gold costs on top of talents.
They pretty much shot themselves in the foot before they even launched the game. They’ll never have this anywhere near what anyone would consider balanced.

They should’ve kept it simple and balanced everything by its gold cost.

So I figured out three of her weaknesses but they’re only 1v1; chickens with stealth, melee with charge, and the troll spear thrower. She pops in one hit from the troll spear thrower, relatively quickly from melee with charge, and the swarm of chickens overwhelms her before she can react.

I finished the map by the skin of my teeth.

So most melee units kill her easily, especially if they are also tanks. She is excellent at killing lower health units aka dps/support. I never had a problem killing her unless i was under leveled. I like her design because she forces you to consider how to place your units. Since normally you just put tank and dps behind, however with her you cant do that as easily.

I completely agree. You said it, she’s great at everything, which is a trademark of OP character design.

Yes, but if she’s behind a tank it’s hard to get her, worgen can but not easily if there’s other nearby minis near her.

That’s part of the point! You send a strong mele unit before sending a ranged one. Just how it’s designed to work!