How to kill G'oble with Chicken?

I have a Daily in the new event’s Challenges to kill a G’oble with a chicken. I’m confused as to how to do so, considering that the G’oble has a freeze aura which stops melee units such as chickens from approaching or attacking it, and then it just runs right past them… and if it runs past them again, it freezes them again. Do they have to actually get the killing blow? Or do they need to just (somehow) strike it once? Or do they just need to be on the field or in the army when your troops kill the G’oble?

Or is there a different “chicken” besides Angry Chickens in play? Is it available today and I just don’t know about it because nothing’s posted yet and I haven’t seen it in game yet this event? Considering that I have that as a Daily Challenge, if it’s not in play today then there shouldn’t be a Challenge around it.


Also very confused about this.

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Yeah got that quest too and i don’t see how this one is possible. Looks more of a quest we can do 2nd week, but it’s a daily we have now and gone in 18hours …

Same confusion here
Also confused on how to kill G’oble 3 times in a single game considering that even ranged minis have a hard time hitting him without being frozen after 1 or 2 shots
Only Sylvanas and the meat wagon seem to outrange its aura consistently, and it usually brings you close to the overtime by the time you kill the first one

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I had this quest as well, and it was removed and replaced with a new quest. I’m guessing it was a mistake that they hot-fixed.

I killed the turkey 3 times in a single match 3 times! Still haven’t gotten credit yet

Are you sure that YOU killed it ? If the AI kills it it doesn’t count for you

This event needs to be fixed. I am fine with turkey once but coming back and keeping protective shield on boss is not cool.

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Yesterday I had the “kill G’oble with a group of only alliance minis”, turned out you kinda have to put all ranged alliance minis to get it

Today I have the same thing but with beasts. Not a single beast outranges the frost aura. Not a single one of my minis is able to attack that damn turkey that prevents me from reaching and damaging the boss
Wtf is that quest design ?

It’s obvious the frost turkey is poorly designed. Too wide of aura. Too fast movement. Too short of revive. Not fun. Maybe the food is supposed to make your minis immune to the affect for a duration?

These event challenges are also too aggressive with little reward. But that also could be the name of this game.

Event is 2 weeks long. Wait for the fire or mirage aura goble. Easier to kill esp with cenarion leaders

The flying cenarion mini is immune to frost and other auras