Hogger Pack, game crash, no tomes

Above is my error message number when copied. I received this after attempting to click “purchase” now after purchasing before, clicked hoping it would trigger activation of paid rewards but nope just an error message. I did receive the gold but not the tomes.


I got the same issue with the ashenvale cache but no gold and tomes and have paid for it

Just ran into this issue as well :confused:

Same issues when i try to do expeditions and also i tryied with another device and It gives me the same problem. In this second device my friend already did expeditions so i think its a problem of my account not of the device.

Same issue for me. Different package, I see the transaction in my account, but nothing from the pack.

Just got the same issue with a different pack

Same issue but I finished a dungeon and it won’t let me collect my reward which has also locked me out of doing the dungeon with the rest of my heroes.

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Cool game. But progression is stagnate later in the game and all the issues with the cash shop are insane. Defiantly should have delayed this game.

Same problem here but with the Lordaeron Pack. Received the gold but not the tomes.

Same here. No resolution for anyone yet?

Same issue, package was the ashevale for me. Was supposed to be 2 tomes.