Guild missing Darkmoon Faire tickets

Not all the tickets are credited.
Every member was in guild before the start of the event., their quests are marked as completed, but in the summary screen the tickets are only partially awarded.
So far we are missing 1100 tickets from one member and 100 tickets from another one.

I have the same issue. Completed the weekly and all 3 dailies in DMF but got 1000 tickets total only, which should be 1300. I see many guildmates that got the 1300 so this is inconsistent.

I have the same issue and would like to know if there’s a fix already? Do I need to create a support ticket for that?

Same issue here. We won’t be able to take the last 450 golds reward because we are missing 1000 tickets for that…

As you can see here my mate completed weekly + 3 quests and got only 100 tickets for that https://

Please fix it before the event lasts. We are frustated because we all made the effort for the guild ! Thank you

I have the same problem too
What can I do?

Bump !

Problem still exists on the new Darkmoon Faire… This is frustating. Our guild members did the work everyday but we won’t be able to get 1000 arclight because of this bug ! The full gold path + arclight require to have nearly all the tickets each day (46 300 / 46 500)

Please Blizzard do something.

I have been tracking tickets daily for my guild.

Earlier in the event, I noticed the guild leader was short 100 tickets and mentioned it to him just after the daily reset. Later that day, though, he was all caught up and had his full tickets for the event done.

Cut to yesterday and the other officer in the guild ended up 100 short and he mentioned that he was aware that the report was showing him having only completed 200/300 for the day but also sent a screenshot of all of his challenges being complete. This time, the report is still showing him missing 100 tickets.

Missing rewards for the guild is frustrating but I am way more concerned with the reporting simply being correct for the sake of knowing who is or is not completing challenges. Guild leadership is taking action against members who don’t complete their tickets, and rightfully so. If that data is wrong, though, this is a major problem. Please look into this right away and get any reporting bugs straightened out!