Generic user error title

  • Device Type: Android
  • Device Model: Realme C21-Y
  • Device Operating System: Android 11
  • Warcraft Rumble App Version: 2.8.0

The error happens when a new match starts, PvE or PvP, it occurs randomly and kick me out of the game and have to restart the load screen wasting several seconds that the rival obviously take advantage of

A window with a message pop off saying:

Generic user error title

And error occurred


I had this issue when I was connected via my companies network (swapping to 5g worked). Pretty sure they (my work admins) block some traffic/ports. Maybe you are behind a dc, firewall, … or some regulations on your VPN if you are using it?

yo sigo con el problema del error con mis datos de movil e internet de casa

Somos muchos que tenemos esto… yo tengo bugueda las mazmorras con este error.

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This is happening when I try to reap my dungeon rewards and sucks because I can’t cancel the dungeon run. This is game breaking


This happens to me every time I try to play while on wifi.

So using Mobile data works? Instead of wi-fi?

I also had this issue when I have my Cloudflare warp VPN enabled. If I turn that off then the game works great.

Looks like they’ve finally resolved the issue.