The game is already update to the latest version on ios, but getting this error: Game Version Error.
It was fine after yesterday update, but checked something on my android device and ios stopped working.
iPhone 16 Pro
Version 11.43.0
Same problem here. I think it happened after I played on PC. I can still log in on PC but on iPhone:
Game Version Error
This account previously logged in with a more recent version of the game. Please update the game on your device and try again.
Press OK and it flips to Blizzard Entertainment splash screen and hangs.
Press Quit it quits. I went to app store to check if new version, it shows I am current (Open).
Deleted app, restarted device, reinstalled from app store. Same problem.
PC Version of Rumble
IOS Version of Rumble 11.44.0
iPhone 15 Pro Max
IOS Version 18.3.1