Game starting before fully loading in

So I now have lost countless pvp matches because the game will start before I load in and when I finally get to act both chests are taken and an army of minis is bearing down on me. Also there have been games where my opponent doesnt make a move for like 20-30 seconds so Im assuming this is happening to them.

Why isnt the game set up to not start till both parties are fully loaded in? I figured that would be the standard in any form of competitive pvp so this has to be a gross oversight.

Is there anyone else out there experiencing this problem and is there any word of them knowing about or fixing this issue?

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this happened to me multiple times yesterday, and will not be surprised if it happens again today.

definitely should fix this asap, people are losing rating that is already hard to get.

people usually can not help whatever is causing the lag/load time on their end.

a simple “waiting for other players” that waits for both clients to report to the server they have completed loading everything would be fine.

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Yeah I assumed this is how the game would be set up already. It is insane to me that it is not. Nothing is more maddening than losing beacuse someone got a huge headstart.


Happens to me on maybe 8/10 of my games now, reeeeeeally annoying and it’s basically an instant loss unless the opponent is brain ded or AFK

Please post a bug fix @Blizzard

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Exactly the same thing happens to me every 4-5 games. It’s terrible.

Fix your crap! This is so frustrating. Don’t start the stinking match till both players are in, Jesus!

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The insane thing Is that It happens to me only After the last game update!!!
I have an Android Tablet.
@Blizzard … what about a roll back ??