Game freezes on star tome mini selection

Regardless of what device I choose to play on, regardless of uninstalling and reinstalling, the game loads and forces me to select the 3 minis from a star tome. On the last mini selection, the entire game gets blurry and completely freezes. I can no longer play the game at all.

  • Device Type: multiple
  • Device Model: multiple, s23 ultra, s8 ultra tablet, s7 tablet
  • Device Operating System: android
  • Warcraft Rumble App Version: 10.38.0

I’ve been having that same issue. Happened for a few weeks then was fine then yesterday it started again

Still unable to play the game. It hazes out and will not let me select the final mini in the star tome. Cannot hit any other buttons, not even settings.

Been like this for weeks for me.

Im having the same issue. Game is completely unplayable. I put in a ticket and they said to come here…

Same issue for me, game is completely unplayable and I have been directed here.

Has anyone had any luck on a solution?

Having same problem…

I have the same issue since 4 weeks on iOS 18.1

I still have the exact same issue, its 4 weeks now, opened tickets and posted here, but still no solution

Having same issue, was referred here… feels like this isnt a priority it being weeks with the same issue

knock on woods, i have not yet had this…

if you have, please mention it to them in the Warcraft Rumble Discord, just be careful to be super polite or risk being banned :zipper_mouth_face:

I have had the same issue for about two weeks now. I posted a thread on here as well as Discord along with opening a ticket. There are several other threads reporting the same issue (linked below). The common aspect seems to be the last Star selection causes the game to blur and freeze. Several have noted that Ysera is one of the leader stars about to appear when the game freezes.

I was able to find a temporary workaround for the star blurred screen issue.

When you first open the game wait for the star selection tome to pop up. Once the star selection tome has popped up, do not select any stars, instead select your player name/avatar.

At this point select the gear icon (settings icon) and logout, then log back into the game.

You should be able to play the game from this point; however, note that once you close the game application and reopen the app, you will have to take the same steps each time (log out then log back in) you reopen the app (at least until the bug is fixed).

Please note, be sure you have the game linked to BattleNet account before logging out.

Links to other threads reporting the same issue:

I found a similar work around that you don’t have to log out for. When the star selection pops up, click your player icon in the upper lefthand corner. Click settings and scroll down to privacy settings. In this you have 2 options, Guilds and Guild Chat. Changing one of these will cause your game to reboot and the star selection will not be there. You can then go back into privacy and change your settings back to what they were. You will however, like flyingav8or said, have to do this every time you start the game. So it’s not a fix, but a work around for now.