Feature Request: Reduce the Level at which the AI Cheats

I just finished this week’s Blackfathom Deeps dungeon, and I don’t know what you people did but the level of cheating from the AI has been dialed up to 11. Both the 2nd and 3rd level of the dungeon were spawning units at an impossible rate. At one point, the AI put out six Defias bandits within about 10 seconds of each other on the final map. On the second map, the AI spawned two waves of Gargoyle, Troll Batrider, Griffon Rider, and Vultures at the same time, coming from two separate directions.

It’s like you mess up what should be basic resource management on a daily basis. This is the #1 reason I have not, and will not, pay a single cent for this game. Tuning is completely garbage for Dungeons and it absolutely drains the fun out of even attempting challenging a dungeon at an orange level, knowing the AI is going to just cheat its way to a win no matter how well you prepare.