Dungeon Start Failed

Any solution for this error?

Same dungeon code error for both my Samsung fold and iPad pro

This bug is still here after the dungeon reset! I cannot start dungeons so I cannot upgrade my commander. I have tried to start with all the commanders I have. I have a pixel 7 with android 13.

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I’m still having this issue. Can’t get into dungeons on any devices. Blizzard!?!??

Collecting the the reward from Raene solved this issue for me.

I was having the same problems, and it resolved itself after I opened a chest that I had forgot to open in of the areas (I had forgotten to claim to chest from Raene Wolfrunner in Ashenvale). Seems like pretty sloppy programming to me.

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OMG THIS WORKED!!! Thank you!!! :point_up_2:t3::point_up_2:t3::point_up_2:t3::point_up_2:t3::point_up_2:t3:

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Thank you kind man!!! I have been agonizing with the same problem for almost a week now! I wrote to the support service on e-mail, on the website, in Discord and nobody gave me an answer! And only then accidentally came across your post and everything is really true — it was enough just to take the old reward! Thank you!