Dungeon reward claim failed

  • Device Type: Iphone
  • Device Model: 14 Pro max
  • Device Operating System: IOS
  • Warcraft Rumble App Version: 2.8.0

Playing on Asia server, had no issues with alliance week. Upon weekly reset to horde week, proceeded to choose Cairne as my leader for the dungeon. Finished all 3 in afew minutes in one sitting, and encountered the error. Was able to claim the Arc energy from the final boss but not the army upgrades, and now I am stuck. Changing leader etc does not work for me.


Same issue here. Tried every solution that has been posted so far.

Really unfortunate to get to the last reward of dungeon and then get screwed… This needs to be fixed or some sort of viable method of fixing this issue by ourselves.

Hero switched, cache clears, full uninstalls everything have been tried and tested… This SUCKS!

Adding in that I am also having issues with accessing dungeon rewards. Just says issue with accessing dungeon reward and locks me out of running the dungeon or starting a new run.

I am also encountering this issue for the Horde claim.

Yup. Same issue here. Game crashed after i beat stomper then i load it back up and i cant claim my rewards.

Same, the worst thing is that we are locked out from doing any dungeon runs :confused: blizzard not answering or addressing in any form this kind of game breaking bugs is concerning

Same Problem.

Same error, been stuck for almost 2 days without the possibility to restart dungeon or do another

Would suggest all to keep spamming them with tickets till this is addressed.

Same here. Since 2 Days i can´t play a new Dungeon -.-

Encountering the exact same issue.

Arc Light claimed fine, but regardless of what I try I’m unable to claim the army boost reward.

I receive the error:
‘Something went wrong when claiming the dungeon reward.’

same here. Cant start new one, cant take the reward.