Dungeon Reward Claim Failed

I think I claimed it, but Im anyway stucked in window state of “claim rewards”. Im not able to start another run and after clicking to claim reward than error occurs.

try via bluestack , take the claim and let’s go

or with an other phone … if u have


I have the dame problem.

resolve for me , try it

Same problem. I can’t get the reward and start a new dungeon.

Same issue with me on Dire Maul. Cant play any dungeons now…

Same here. iOS 17.2 game version, iPhone 14 Pro Max. “Dungeon reward Claim Failed”, cannot reset dungeon or claim reward. Essentially locked out of dungeons til reset looks like

same here."Dungeon reward Claim Failed”, cannot reset dungeon or claim reward. Essentially locked out of dungeons til reset looks like .

Has anyone found a fix for this? It’s been weeks with no word from blizzard.

I’ve now hit this for first time on first boss of dungeon.

3.0.0 81564 / 81893

The arc energy was awarded via the missed awards process but the progress is blocked.

Really annoying as I reckon I can get 4.more army upgrades before dungeon reset.

It’s been almost a month for me and still no fix. Blizzard seems to be more focused on punishing players than fixing their bugs. At this point I’ll just refund what I spent and move on.