As a wow player, I was always hoping you guys could design a proper Druid with shapeshifting abilities. You can choose which form to shift before deploying it. By touching the mini button, you will see 5 options. You can chose from bear, cat, Moonkin, treant and original form depending on what do you need at the moment: a tank, melee dps, ranged single target or ranged aoe. I wished Malfurion was designed like this, however you made it a healer as boring as the one in Heroes of Storm.(Do not learn from that game, we all know why)
Back to Druid of the claw. The shape shifting timing made all his talents ridiculous. It is mandatory for the Druid to become a bear at his 50% health, which means if you chose healing talent and the mini will completely be useless in bear form. Same situation when you choose bear talent but he stays in night elf form.
It wasn’t a good design, and you even reused Moonlade boss’s model, didn’t even change some colour. Shame on …
It’s not a failed design. I understand that you probably wanted to see something akin to a WoW-style Druid, but the Druid of the Claw in Rumble is inspired by the Druid of the Claw unit from the Night Elf faction in Warcraft III. In Warcraft III, the Druid of the Claw could switch between a Night Elf form that could cast two abilities: Roar (AoE damage buff) and Rejuvenation (single target heal over time). It could switch to a durable bear form and cast Roar after being upgraded. In rumble, the unit’s design and talents are heavily inspired by the unit from Warcraft III; it’s not a failed design, it’s just not inspired by your preferred incarnation of a Druid.
Well, let me put it this way: no matter which talent you choose, the unit will always have a period of time with no talent, AKA useless. You can redesign all the talent of course .
But the “shape-shifting timing depending on heath percentage mechanism” will alway make a unit not to perform what the roll you want it to play. There’s nothing you can do to buff this unit but increase its numerical value. That is so called a failed design.
Hmm, i can’t agree with that honestly. Firstly, unless they changed it, which if so then don’t pay too much mind to this. However literally two of the talents are about bear form. Regrowth and roar, regrowth gives 5 sec heal when going into bear form and roar gives increase dmg to nearby allies when in bear form. Which all makes since sense that literally straight from how warcraft 3 had druid of the claw.
Also the unit is a ranged unit. So its not supposed to be taking a lot of damage like most range and support units… so if you want your druid of claw to keep healing you just need to place it properly at the right times with the right units around it. If you want it to make use of its bear talent you should put it upfront anyway, you can easily manipulate the way your unit place just by thinking about your placement… which is literally the point of the game. You supposed to make your army and choose talents that complement what you are trying to achieve in any given map.
Lastly, malfuion also pretty much functions similarly to how he does in warcraft 3, you can really tell they took all the inspiration from that guy and some from WoW, but people who played warcraft 3 can tell most inspiration is from that game.
I dont think your opinion of wanting more is bad, however i think what they have is fitting for the type of game rumble is. You may like playing hearthstone if you want more versatility and cool choices.
Thank you making your statement, however, I highly disagree with your opinion. According to your logic , you should go and play War III shouldn’t you? We are talking about designs, WarIII and rumble are totally 2 different games, some design looks ok in one can be totally rubbish in another. If you put war III Claw Druid skill in wow, it would be a disaster. Same here in rumble, you need to change. Because it is a game after you deploy a mini you cannot control it in the way you do in War III.