Difficulty After Update

Has anyone else logged on after the latest app update and the difficulty of every level has gone through the roof?

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The units levels are messed up. The top bar where the heroes are displayed does not factor in the army upgrade. Also, the Avg Lvl no longer is correct. Looks like it also doesn’t factor in the army upgrades. I think this is what is causing the dynamic difficulty to be greater. The dungeons and zones that were green are now red for me.

Yeah i have seen this too. Seems cosmetic as in level ## seems right.

Does this actually make levels harder though?

Yep it is strange, individual mini levels are correct but average level has dropped significantly (mine was 19 and is now 16). Also, hero levels have dropped in practice and their top portraits; while they show correctly On the group screen.

It is definitely a bug rumble :smile::smile:

But it makes for some interesting challabges until it is fixed.


I just played and it seems everything works fine in game… its just the numbers are mixed up, but in game the levels and powers are correctl. So juat a visual bug it seems.

Thank you guys! I was just curious if it was only me. Appears to not be!

Yep. I’m vexed! My dungeon went from all 3 green to all 3 red. I had two islands all green now all dark orange.
Colour me ticked.
Rumble? Whatcha doin’? And please stop doing it.

No. My army has same lvl as it had. Heroic missions/dailies/dungeons has same lvl as they had.
Basically only thing what is broken is average lvl calculation. Its impact only on dungeons, where you could get +2 updates if your average lvl was big. Now this is impossible.

I think average calculation have stopped to count dungeon bonuses to lvl.

Different here. Went from green to red and absolutely reflected in game play.