Cannot make any purchases in store in Warcraft Rumble
Update 1/13: Now I cannot get the app to load at all. I have tried restart, reinstall, everything.
Bei mir das selbe! Egal welche Käufe alle werden abgebrochen. Ob echtgeld oder Gold und sorry leute aber die "Hilfeseite mit evtl. Zu wenig gold "i st Blödsinn hab über 1000 Gold und will was für 250 Gold kaufen. Das Problem besteht seit 3 Tagen. Und ehrlich gesagt sehr nervig da teils echt gute Angebote dabei sind und die dann weg sind weil eben nichts geht.
Same issue since about a week - no purchase of daily only within grid possible
Huawei Mate 20
Emui 12.0.0
Rumble 11.42.0
So they even care? I also cannot purchase from the grid since Druid of the claw update. Why are they ignoring this bug?
Where is the technica support for this?
My Xbox subscription is not renewed but that should have nothing to do with phone app games
You shouldn’t be giving blizzard money any ways. They need to earn their paycheck. And releasing broken updates one after another definitely is not earning anything.