Blizzard failed again

Blizzard you are failing. You had a bug in your game for free gold and players didn’t know it was a bug. (maybe they thought you were giving some gold instead of trying every way to get our money)

So blizzard let me ask you this: How is it exploitation or abusing the proper usage of a game if its in your game code?

None used an extra program or hacks or whatever… we played the game and the extra gold was acquired by playing the game. The gold you removed is illegal. I played games for this gold and i want my time spend back otherwise you have to give us the gold back. Yet again failing to make something working right or take the right calls (you had the bug running while many of us had reported it).
Try next time to make better games rather trying to be a judge.


I agree with you, Blizzard fail and punishing everybody else.
There were so many options, how to solve this problem with dignity.
However, they do it like this, its sad, because they ruining the game with potencial.


No, seriously, you guys are complaining about the lightest slap on the wrist I’ve ever seen. If you had found an infinite money glitch and abused it in an MMO you’d be banned and your items stripped, not just putting you in debt for money you already spent. You basically got an advance on hundreds of hours of intended gameplay.


Except it’s not an infinite money glitch, you beat the stage/boss, you got gold, you did something for the gold, it wasn’t glitching, you played the game, got gold. Where does it say playing the game and receiving rewards is forbidden? Is it in the TOS? Is it in the rules? That they made a bugged event that could be repeated is not the player’s fault, it’s their team’s fault, why are we being punished?

And also how was the player supposed to know this was an issue exactly? I personally assumed they simply left it there to be farmed. This is a game where you farm stuff after all. The conditions of these events isn’t explained anywhere, perhaps there’s a throwaway line about it in the tutorial. This is ridiculous really, to be blamed for exploiting because your own company designs something badly?

Again and for the last time. There was an event, it could be repeated. There was no message or warning that this was in any way an issue. There was no message saying the event should only last for this long or you should only be able to do one of these fights once. There was an event, people played it then blizzard decided this is an exploit and punished them. The people whom repeated this, broke no rule. The rule was determined after the fact arbitrarily. This is ridiculous.


This is a very good statement. We played for the coins. It wasn’t free loot. We have to do something for it. This isn’t a exploit. In my opinion, it is also be possible, that the user can do a fight again and again. We have spend a lot of time to received the loot.

I want back my coins!


What do you guys think an infinite money glitch would look like in an MMO? Here’s some examples:
www.mmorpg .com/news/elder-scrolls-online-addresses-endeavor-bug-warns-players-not-to-exploit-it-2000128633
attackofthefanboy .com/playstation/gta-online-infinite-cash-glitch-players-banned/
us.forums.blizzard .com/en/wow/t/infinite-repeatable-world-quest-not-much-to-goo-on/783406
(Remove spaces between top level url and .com)
All of these are “just playing the game as it is”, but they’re exploits.

Played for the coins! Woow 1 min games and get gold. So much play… if people could not see it was an exploit they are ignorant or just stupid.

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Is it in the TOS? Is it in the rules?

Yes, you should probably actually read them before you ask.

Blizzard EULA linked from in game:

License Limitations. Blizzard may suspend or revoke your license to use the Platform, or parts, components and/or single features thereof, if you violate, or assist others in violating, the license limitations set forth below. You agree that you will not, in whole or in part or under any circumstances, do the following:
Cheating: Create, use, offer, promote, advertise, make available and/or distribute the following or assist therein:
cheats; i.e. methods not expressly authorized by Blizzard (whether accomplished using hardware, software, a combination thereof, or otherwise), influencing and/or facilitating gameplay, including exploits of any in-game bugs, and thereby granting you and/or any other user an advantage over other players not using such methods;

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Basically the TOS says they can take whatever they want off your account for any reason. Hence it’s a pretty bad deal for the customer to purchase anything.

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Look at all the wallet warriors coming to the defense of Blizzard…

Blizzard screwed up. They need to own their mistakes. Their money driven decisions caused their sloppy coding. Any one who gained gold during the improper game patch had to put time and effort into it.

At a minimum they should zero balance everyone who had extra gold from their screw up.


Sure, as long as they also revert all purchases made with the glitched gold. You don’t get rewarded for cheating.

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In no way shape or form was any one cheating. Go buy another package and pay your way to a victory wallet warrior.


cheats; i.e. methods not expressly authorized by Blizzard (whether accomplished using hardware, software, a combination thereof, or otherwise), influencing and/or facilitating gameplay, including exploits of any in-game bugs, and thereby granting you and/or any other user an advantage over other players not using such methods;

if you don’t agree with that, here’s the proper method for breaking your agreement to the contract:

You may terminate this Agreement at any time by notifying Blizzard by email through us.battle .net/support/en/ and by uninstalling the Platform and the Games

How does that boot polish taste?

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Hey man, I’m sorry you’re a poor child mad at the world, but you’re going to have to deal with the fact some people just don’t like cheaters. I think you guys should have been banned outright, not kept your loan for weeks worth of arclight completions.

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You obviously fail to realize that playing something in the game that is not an obvious malfunction, just as that repeatable surge, is not a cheat/exploit.
How can we know it was a glitch?
It was there and we played it.
I was suppose to be there. It was surge time.
How can we, players, be 100% sure its not intended?

Turn the reasoning around and play with the tought it WAS intended. After all it was few days before christmas.
You telling us that we should count on it was a Blizzard mistake and not play for extra gold and thus miss out?
Ofc not. If you wanna be Mr Nervous, thats your problem.

So that leaves us with the action Blizzard took.
They retrived the extra gold. Fine by me.
Thats a pretty fair decision.
The time spent? Well, i had “fun” playing (call farming “fun” pains me tho).

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How can we, players, be 100% sure its not intended?

The fact that you had to turn off the game and restart it to do the event again should have been a clue. If it was intended, why would you have needed to do that? It would have just stayed on the map after completion for another go, like quests.

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I often wonder, how can someone be completely wrong and yet claim they are right flaunting their ignorance like you are doing right now.

The event in question is not defined anywhere, as I mentioned. There is no definition that says the event should be one way or another.

Because the event is not defined, me playing it as blizzard released it is not cheating because I had no way to know what they intended the event to be as they never defined what it should be. Therefore I cannot be cheating. If you require further explanation, let me know and I will formulate an easier explanation just for your needs.


Really, it should have been a clue? So I am supposed to play detective? What else, hey maybe the fact that I keep getting notifications about Arclight surges means I am somehow exploiting, maybe when the game gave me 500 gold recently for a bug I was exploiting somehow, it’s a clue. Don’t you see you’re being ridiculous?


What a weak argument, so therefore why play the game at all? Why pay for anything in the store, for what, 1 min games? Cause most of the games you play here are 1 minute. This is the content.