Arclight Booster “forced purchase” via Sylvanas bundle

I was purchasing the end-of-season Sylvanas bundle at $9.98 when I noticed that I was also billed for Arclight Booster for $29.98 at the exact same time.

I then wrote in to Apple via their refund channel to get the -$29.98 refund. This refund allowed for Blizzard to supposedly clawback whatever benefits I got from Arclight Booster but I didn’t receive any so my gold is in negative now.

Was the additional billing for Arclight Booster a bug? How can I be sure that the clawback of benefits was legitimate? Thanks!

  • Device Type: iPhone
  • Device Model: iPhone 13 Pro Max
  • Device Operating System: iOS 17.1.2
  • Warcraft Rumble App Version: 2.12.0