App crashes every time when starting a game

Same problem, iPhone 7, iOS 15.8


same issue here
iphone 8

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same here motorola + android etc…


Uninstalled. Absolutely unplayable.


Broken for me as well. Uninstalled and nothing worked. Going to ask for refund for buys is this is not resolved soon

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Since the lasts updates, game still crashes when loading anything else than standard campaign… totally unplayable. Blizzard what a shame…


Same problem, iPhone 7… iOS 15.8


Same. iPhone SE, iOS 15


*need to submit the bug report in order to be in consider by our specialized technical team support through the following link - same here. iPhone 8 ios 16 sth


haha +1, iPhone, iOS15+


I was ok until todays maintenance, now I can’t load into any game type.

iPad 9th gen
Os 16.6.1

it will never be fixed. worst game ever.

I agree that this bug / crash issue is present since the open beta from early september 2023.

The most recent problem I still encounter here (and see to be similar for all iOS device)
are crash on game start for specific ‘type’ of game:

  • crash on quest start
  • crash on arclight surge start
  • crash on pvp game start
  • crash on dungeon game start

Every time, you can re-open the crashed app, it will load and you can play the game.
Then the next time you try another, the app crash before the game loading has started.

It is basically 2 game loading screen to be able to do 1 game.

The only thing that do not crash on game start are the

  • regular mission
  • heroic mission

I guess eventually this will get fixed, or not. But It did impact on my appreciation of the game. I use to take the 2 hours required to go through the arclight surge every 3 days, but now, I find it just too time consuming and the fun is not there anymore.

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  • Device Type: iPhone
  • Device Model: iPhone 8
  • Device Operating System: 16.7.2
  • Warcraft Rumble App Version:

Game crashes when launching any match. Sometimes it crashes right away and after reloading the app I have to start the match again. If the progressbar reaches 100% then reloading takes me to the match and then usually everything works.

Additional observations and impression; after finally upgrading from my very old ipod touch 7th gen (similar to iphone 7? running maximum of iOS 15.18) to a new iphone 15, I have the game running smoothly and without any crashes.

I have encountered once some a ‘session timed out’ error that was displayed in the expected UI form, however no crash at all.

My understanding is that those minimum requirements are exactly that; ‘the bare minimum’ requirements so that the game will ‘boot up’ but not without flaws.

There should probably be another “recommended requirements” to have the game playable without un-expected crash and flaws.

Thanks for nothing blizzard

I have the same issue :frowning:

Same issue. Most of the app works fine most of the time, some minor bugginess that is annoying but can be worked around. However PVP crashes at least 90% of the time. Loads to 100%, so it initiates the game but then app just closes, no error message or anything. Upon trying to reopen it only goes to 50% reverts back to the “Blizzard” screen back to rumble goes to 50% and then back to Blizzard and so on.

Iphone 13

Idk if everyone is still having the problem however if you are then the problem might not be the device or pvp matching/crashing. If your in a guild then try leaving it and then try to do a match. It worked for me even maps I couldn’t play before. No crashes just down fall no guild either for war chest.

Device Type: New Samsung Galaxy
Device Model: S24+
Device Operating System: Android 14
Warcraft Rumble App Version: 4.19.0

Am able to play but game crashes mid battle or when making a purchase. I’ve tried uninstalling game, cleared cache, restarting my internet, restarting phone still crashes