Adapt to PC for us non phone users

You know I would like to try this game out but only on PC, my phone is slow so I doubt I could run it on there. Why not get a wider audience with a PC Adaptation?


100%, please make this playable on PC, I don’t want to use emulators!


Yes, I am concerned that my phone is lagging way too hard to enjoy on mobile. A PC adaptation would be ideal.


Oh yeah! I was gonna post about it, didnt they said it was coming for PC too? Is it not coming right now?

Edit: Because i just remember, its on bnet so… it has to be on pc in the future right?

a significant amount of gamers are pc users - now i have to use some garbage emulator to play the thing.

blizzard used to make quality games. not garbage.

you cant find ANY games that compare to Starcraft. Maybe put a little effort into the games. get away from the micro transactions and battle passes. Make a full game.


Order a used Samsung Galaxy S8 off Ebay for gaming. Get a good deal on one with some burn in but no cracks. Games look perfectly fine even on pretty heavily burned in screens, it’s mostly static white areas that look bad with burn in. Even general use looks fine on a burn in junker if you turn on dark mode, can’t really tell. Can get a high power gaming device even for Diablo Immortal for like $40 these days if you know how to hunt for it.

This aint meant as a “do you guys not have phones” belittlement, but a genuine suggestion. I did exactly what I described on a whim to try DI and I use the thing all the time now for other things lol

It’s met to be just for phone ha

don’t you guys have phones? lol but seriously, other mobile games has their own pc client. what’s going on blizzard?

Another trash product from the same ol’ trash company.

No PC, no play. Marvel Snap is a great example of a game I can play on my phone but choose to play on my PC. If it was phone only I wouldn’t have touched it.

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Why can’t I play this on PC. Team Fight Tactics lets you do both. Why are you forcing the phone thing?

Yeah this is a shame, my iPhone battery is dying and doesnt hold much of a charge. I have pretty much already written this game off since there is no communication with the PC. If they did that then I would be interested, but unfortunately by the time they do it the game will already be mastered by those that started this weekend and us PC players will be left in the dust… Sigh…Never lucky

Maybe they could make it available on Google play games beta for PC?

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I mean, while PC is great, I’d play on phone… if I COULD! I went to download the game, and apparently it’s not supported on my phone? I just have an Android and yet the game isn’t supported. So yeah, if you can’t make it work on all phones, just give us a PC version.

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Yes, please! PC version

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Ehi guys
It’s not a cross-platform game. PC gamers would have too many advantages over mobile devices, due to graphic card and connection Speed.
It Is possibile for games likes Marvel snap, Hearthstone, not for Rumble.

What advantages im curious since its still a time based game not like you can macro minions and spam them the entire game and phones runs this game just as good as a computer would

If I, a mobile player, see your game late, oh dear PC fatplayer, I’m at a disadvantage. we don’t play on equal terms.
connection speed quality graphics card, they do this.
ask yourself why all real-time pvp pc or console games, where speed is essential, have their own dedicated mobile app.
pubg, call of duty etc etc

same, my phone is not going to be replaced anytime soon. If you can do Diablo Immortal, for both mobile and PC, this should be considered a priority. I would imagine I am not the only one who believes you are missing out on more players. (BTW, Diablo Immortal does not work on my phone either).

Diablo Immortal Is only mobile game.
PC Gamer can play this with bluestacks,