You broke vJASS in the latest patch // Fixed

I can confirm, normal custom scripts line works aka JASS and GUI works as intented.

Unfortunately vJASS is broken, can’t use any libraries or so with the current patch.

I can’t believe you actually managed to break your own code.

EDIT: As of around 17.12/18.12 the vJass works, testmap feature works (no crash) and jasshelper is fixed. Good job Blizzard dev team! :slight_smile:


Also confirming. None of my maps utilizing damage engine work anymore. RIP

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Another confirm here,heaps of Compile errors in the map i am working on

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Confirmed, can’t test maps anymore.
Are we waiting 3 months for a change or has someone from blizzard aware of this?

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Sadly at the moment there is zero information about a hotfix or revert. Guess we just have to wait. :frowning:

From your edit it seems yours is working?
What have you done differently?

Nothing really. It just had multipe small patches which I downloaded.