Who is this hero?
Lowest first hero winratio vs every single meta matchup.
Lowest first hero pick ratio with 3%, when second lowest first pick have almost 6%.
Main spell is basically frost nova BUT have a cast time of almost a second, dont slow attack and move speed of enemy, cant hit air BUT can hit your units.
Cant basically do damage with autoattacks because one of his main spells have cast time, and second main spell are channeling cr@p with cd equal channeling time.
His third spell are the worst cc in the game what actually works only in one matchup (where he cant be even first hero).
Who is this? - its a blood mage, 2 armor, low hp, never hitting nuke spell joke of hero.
And what he get as a buff? 0.1 second of casting super costly spell, analogs of which, what other heroes have with lower price, hitting air, have on it debuffs, instant and DONT hit your own units? Is it a joke or something?
Like cmone, Potm who are twice as popular as blood mage as first hero got 50% damage buff for it damage ability, but blood mage got 0.1s cast time buff?
My point is - blood mage is very mediocre as second or third hero, and basically works against night elves and only against demon hunter, literally even as support it works only in one matchup of 4 AND against only to counter one hero of this race (ye, he is mosty popular ne hero, but blood mage not even close to be mandatory vs ne), so dont even start saying that buff\rework of blood mage can somehow shift meta, because its not true, am and mk is and will be 4ever better than anything human can get as a first and second hero.
Mu suggestions (what will be ignored because this is game for meta slaves who care only about crap that they play for 22 years straight every single of their 100 thousands games) is to:
- Flame strike must be instant - its super costly yet super weak spell, what can be somehow used only on buildings or worker from invisibility, so instant flame strike will not be a problem, but at least will be not THAT useless in open fight.
- Siphon Mana is locking blood mage from actually using auto attacks so blood mage is THE ONLY range hero who are bad for using claws\glows, so my suggestion is to rework it slightly:
current siphone mana is 15\25\40 mana per second for 6 seconds, 6 seconds cd. And this spell is mostly used with astral, over and over again for sucking fiesta (basically thats all thing what blood mage do in 90% of time (other 10% he is dead)
I think its more fun and fair )despite that it will be a slightly nerf for support blood mage) to rework it to:
25\40\55 mana per second for only 3 seconds BUT with 6 seconds cooldown, it will be less effective as spell but give blood mage window to actually do damage and not cosplay 24\7 19 y\o twink in gay bar for bikers.
Give him 1.2 agility per level instead of 1, he is starting with 2 armor ffs…
Basically my changes doesnt shift meta at all, he will be not even close to am and mk, but will be a little more viable for players who love pain and struggling BUT A LITTLE LESS PLEASE that it is right now. His purpose still be mediocre second\third hero with siphon mana + astral against demon hunter, but for players who a little bit tired (for 22 YEARS) of tall and small grandpas as first hero to choose.
Thanks to everybody who read this screaming in oblivion, i hate you all too.