World editor HD graphics stuck in SD

Even when the settings are flipped to HD, the graphics appear as SD. There needs to be a distinction between Reforged graphics, updated SD graphics, and SD graphics. The fact that HD and updated SD have been merged is the reason why this update is failing.


Yep I’m seeing this too, really threw me off for a minute till I realized what was going on. Would be nice to be able to edit my maps in HD since they are played in HD.

Try to switch Asset Mode to HD and uncheck all the checkboxes below (building, units, etc). Then restart editor

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You sir, solved it! Thank you.
For those who don’t understand: File>Preferences>Asset Mode (it’s right down there) change it to HD and uncheck all the 6 boxes and restart Editor.

…great job to who did this to Editor to frustrate everyone who uses it, simply astonishing!