Win/Loss Processing Error Post-Patch. Data points included

I have been tracking my ‘real match outcome’ versus ‘result recorded in profile’ for the past week. I’m sure that the entire 4v4 fanbase shares my extreme frustration with the persistent errors in win/loss processing and recording. Blizzard, please acknowledge you are aware of this problem and are working on it.

All games are 4v4 random team ladder.

Actual results: 11-9
Season record change: 6-9 (nice)
Lifetime record change: 35-71

Actual results: 18-10
Season record change: 14-8
Lifetime record change: 9-10

Actual results: 6-4
Season record change: 5-8
Lifetime record change: 5-8

Actual results: 11-4
Season record change: 11-7
Lifetime record change: 11-7

Actual results: 7-10
Season record change: 8-15
Lifetime record change: 8-15

Actual results: 4-2
Season record change: 1-4
Lifetime record change: 1-4

Actual results: 2-4
Season record change: 0-4
Lifetime record change: 0-4

Actual results: 6-0
Season record change: 0-0
Lifetime record change: 0-0

Blizzard is definitely tinkering with the processing. You can tell by the way the results are showing up. I see three distinct phases:

  1. Wins are being counted somewhat. Season and lifetime records are not matching up. Lifetime record is accumulating ‘phantom’ wins and losses. (1/19)

  2. Wins are being counted somewhat. Season and lifetime records agree, but do not mirror actual results. No more ‘phantom’ wins and losses being applied to lifetime record. (1/20- 1/24)

  3. Wins are no longer being counted. (1/25- present)

Another item of mention is that between 1/19 - 1/22 I had six games where I won the match and was greeted with a DEFEAT splash screen after the match. This has not occurred since 1/22, but that may just be due to playing a lower volume of games and fortunate luck.

Blizzard, please make a post stating you are aware of this issue plaguing 4v4 ladder games. The community waited for 31 months (!) for profiles, statistics, and a ladder. Now we’ve been waiting an additional 5 months for them to actually work. Again, these are BASIC features that existed in pre-Reforged.


It’s not just 4v4, I posted about this a few days back for 1v1 with no blizzard acknowledgment. Wins and losses sometimes count for 0, 1, or 2 with no logic behind how/when this occurs. Sometimes I will win 3x in a row and it will go up by 1. Sometimes I will get a stretch of 1 W/2 L and my stats go up by 4W/2L. Or visa versa. A stretch of 2W/1L is counted as 2W/4L.

Like I said in my previous post, I don’t really see the point of a matchmaking system that doesn’t record properly. Because it inflates or deflates people’s stats artificially and gets them in an improper MMR range. As such, I’ve had many games against players in the top 10-15 of MMR but also a similar number against players who are more than 1000 MMR below me. Neither variety are fun for anyone and again, defeats the whole purpose of a matchmaking system that places people in the proper skill range.

Might as well leave the game alone Blizzard and leave it to the true professionals who can accomplish these feats.


Give W3Champions a whirl.

Yeah I do, that’s what I mean about Blizzard should leave the game to the true professionals.

I am aware of W3Champions and greatly admire the (unpaid) efforts of the enthusiasts that built and maintain the system.

It’s frustrating that a small hobbyist team was able to build a working ladder and stat recording systems within weeks of Reforged launch, while the official game is still floundering along over three years later.

I do not like making non-constructive comments like above. I wish Blizzard would address the win processing issue with a bluepost. Additionally, what is keeping Blizzard from consulting the W3Champions architect(s) on how to fix the problem? A nominal fee? (They would possibly even help for free). Hubris?

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