Will blizzard accept defeat publicly

Well wow’s dying and everyone are probelly going to asencion.


They will not admit it, they will just let silently grow grass over it and wait until most people have forgotten it.


No. And this is why I’m not buying ever from them again.


Same here dude i thought they’d see the error of their ways but they won’t.


i doubt they will.

as they’re still grinning at the fact they got me to pre order this game just for the meat wagon mount

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Look at the latest patch, and you will see sheep fanboys saying that the patch is amazing. there you realize, that blizzard will never apologize


These two thoughts are not mutually exclusive. You can say a patch is amazing AND still realize that Blizzard will never apologize.

Lol i was just in a teamplay map and guess what noone was gonna teamplay like i asked for some gold for a new hero and what happens noone wana lend me the gold to get a better one.

They won’t apologize because they still have enough posterior-kissers to keep them afloat.


Congrats on responding with something that has absolutely nothing to do with what I said. Once again showing your true intellect.

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Yeah man, Warcraft 3 Reforged is so good that when J Allen Brack mention successful remasters of old games he mentioned Warcraft 3 Refor- Oh wait, he didn’t he just said Starcraft and looked over WC3 Reforged. How about the game is so good that they gave Warcraft 3 Reforged a panel! Oh no, wait, they didn’t.

So good that Blizzard tried their very best to make sure Reforged wasn’t even a thought let alone a mention in Blizzcon and they needed to do an interview with a very specific question regarding WC3 Reforged and even then they gave you the PR answer.


You said Blizzard would never apologize. I simply stated WHY they’d never apologize. How the frak does that have “nothing to do” with what you said?

You’re the one with an inflated sense of your own intellect.


I mean, blizzard hasn’t really been “defeated.” To me, that implies they’re sunk as a company. But they’re owned by activision so to me, defeat is blizzard as a studio closes up or gets sold by Activision, or Activision itself closes up. Neither seems likely right now.

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Because they have enough posterior-kissing, mindless fanboys to keep them afloat. And they know it, too. That’s the demographic they’re appealing to.

Let’s face the music, guys, Blizzard is no longer the company we once liked. It’s time to move on.

Also, press F for human intelligence because that’s been steadily declining for over a decade as well.


No. They will never admit that this game exists outright. They will mention it in passing in some update as a learning point and move on. The amount of resources required to fix it and the amount of fixing it needs to even begin repairing the damage they’ve done to their name is too great. Just sweep it under the rug and pretend.


Kind of like what they were doing on their blizzconline stream, deleting the comments asking about it. I watch it I saw it happen, So if suddenly this Comment is removed you all know why. Blizz is covering up the mess imo. I heard a friend of mine on the stream kept asking, got blocked and banned on the stream than found his entire blizz account got banned.

He recently told me he just got it back after he “threatened a false advertisement lawsuit unless they unbanned his account.” He words not mine.

Yet I can only wonder what made them do reverse the ban. He won’t tell me and I could really care less. I been playing more SWTOR and ESO since this all happened.

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Will you accept that blizzard is gone? It’s Activision-Activision now.


I’ve sworn off MMOs almost entirely and have just been playing single-player Elder Scrolls and Fallout since Warcraft 3 crashed and burned. I’ve found those games offer exactly what I want out of my general gaming life at this point better than any other anyway.

Only reason I keep coming back to this forum is because, color me crazy, I sincerely do wish Blizzard would get its act together, tell Kotick to sod off, and give me a reason to start giving them money again.

Oh, and finishing Warcraft 3 Reforged and removing their draconian DRM measures would be nice too but I’m not holding my breath on either of those.


It’s not Blizzard, it’s Activision. A company known for being scummy since long before they aquired Blizzard. Activision’s influence is what casued this project to release way too early and far less ambitious than originally planned. And if they didn’t fark that up, they’d have a bigger playerbase now and would probably be doing more for it.


I am the same way.

I got more mods for my Skyrim than I know what to do with. I am on the Nexusmods, I have a few Follower mods that I have done and I might just start upgrading them now that Warcraft 3 is a Burning pile of garbage.