Why was Reign of Chaos multiplayer removed?

info divulged to us by classic team devs was that the RoC population was incredibly small :thinking:

There was not “a lot” of people playing it. The number of people playing TFT always at all times vastly dwarfed the number of people playing RoC. Yes, there were some purists out there who thought RoC was better, but it was a very small minority at best.

And the lack of people playing RoC was specifically cited as a reason for removing RoC rules. That being said, splitting the community (or more accurately, splitting the playerbase into even more unique matchmaking queues than we already have) is exactly the issue. It would result in longer queue times for everyone given any given player would have to choose whether to play one or the other at any given time.

And the number of people playing WoW vastly dwarfs TFT. So, screw it let’s shut down TFT. It only makes sense, same as how RoC was shut down.

Majority rule, minority gets killed off and dies. Democracy at its finest.

What does that have to do with this? This was not a thing that was voted for in any formal process, this was Blizzard’s decision alone. It’s not democracy at all.

Because After Reforged came out - there was too much Chaos keeping two multiplayer in 2 different but similar games. What if they cross-play? Lot of issues!
That’s why! With that decision I totally agree!
But for example I do not like other issues like the quality of Campaigns in Reforged!

Apples and oranges, you can’t possibly have intended this as a serious comparison. These games aren’t even in the same genre.

Even if it were valid, there are enough people playing war3 even at the vastly smaller numbers it has compared to wow. but there definitely is NOT enough people to support a subset of those players playing RoC rules. I’ve been on W3C and people aren’t exactly lining up to play the RoC mode that it has.


RoC ladder games were 11% of all ladder games played on Wc3.

The real reason why the game was removed was because the incompetent admins could not fix the issue they themselves caused, aka RoC ladder players matching with TFT ladder players.

They removed it and said it’s too ‘‘expensive’’ to keep the servers up, what an utter joke.

Any other answer than this is irrelevant and wrong.

[citation needed]

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oh wow, a whole 11%, that’s a huge number!
Frankly I find that even that hard to believe, what’s your source?

This was never a thing and doesn’t make any sense.

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Dude you’re on every thread shilling, living the life I see LOL

I hope you’re getting good compensation from blizzard at least

He’s 100% right, you could see the total number of games per game type in the late classic battle.net website

And yes, Blizzard removing RoC only because they couldn’t fix the matchmaking they had broken (ROC players were matching with TFT players) was 100% a thing: 1.31.0 Patch Notes

Curious to see the mental gymnastics now that you’ve been proven wrong, in spite of your arrogant confidence

He’s 100% wrong, because that was just a moment in time, and probably at its most favorable point. It’s just a number pulled out of the behind.

handstand twirl backflip I haven’t been proven wrong, because no actual data has been provided, just your claim that information was available somewhere at some point.
Provide actual data or stop talking out your behind.

And for the next somersault, 11% still isn’t an impressive number or what anyone would consider “a lot.” So even if you want to go by those patch notes to say that technical issues were the only reason, that was done with the judgement call that not enough people were being impacted for it to be worth fixing. Because if it was super popular and everyone was doing it, surely more effort would have been put forth.

Anyway, none of this is “shilling.” I don’t work for Blizzard, never have, don’t want to, I’m disputing these 'facts" because they’re not facts, they’re opinions. Get someone who actually works/ed for Blizzard at the time to say that they were just too lazy to fix it, or at least provide actual links to actual data on RoC play rates just prior to this patch.

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Reposting the same meaningless thing doesn’t make it suddenly have meaning, weirdo.

Those patch notes prove nothing. And I already covered that in the bulk of the post you didn’t bother to read.

See this started because I disputed the “RoC ladder games were 11% of all ladder games” statement. It had aboslutely nothing to do with any of this. And neither they nor you have provided any data to validate this statement.

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Man you’re incredible. I mean, these comments aren’t even standing up for or supporting Blizzard and you want to call me a shill.

I will be henceforth flagging any future posts where you continue to disparage me by making false and unprovable claims. You haven’t shown me anything other than a patch notes thread which doesn’t contain the statements you describe. All you’ve done is levy personal attacks and flames at my intelligence and continue to falsely suggest I work for Blizzard. The only game dev I’ve ever worked for in any capacity is Trendy Entertainment (now known as Chromatic Games), producers of the Dungeon Defenders franchise, whose games I have my name in the credits for.

There isn’t any white knighting or anything going on in this thread from me or anyone else, so where you’re getting these ideas from is beyond me. It’s really pretty hilarious… If I got paid to argue with people I’d be freaking rich by now.

You’d best choose your next words carefully. Provide a link to an actual source for player numbers prior to RoC being patched out, since that’s what I took issue with in the first place. Anything else is just trolling plain and simple, and will result in in a block and a flag.

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woah i’ve just stumbled upon this thread: Reign of Chaos - Can we ever play it as it was again?

you definitely seem to have some serious issues lol. why are you so determined to harass anyone who mentions RoC if you’re not a shill?

Anyway, here are the only figures available about RoC I found using the Wayback Machine. I looked for them out of curiosity only, as like we have seen here 1.31.0 Patch Notes they’re not the root cause of the RoC Multiplayer mode having been removed

This is taken from there, using the Wayback Machine: classic.battle. net/war3/ladder/reports/last-week/Northrend/w3xp-reports-game-type-usage

Note that the data for Asia seem to be unavailable

|RoC|Total number of games|
|Northrend (Europe)|504924|
|Azeroth (US East)|157936|
|Lordaron (US West)|77419|

|TFT|Total number of games|
|Northrend (Europe)|1479202|
|Azeroth (US East)|1053643|
|Lordaron (US West)|797547|

Northrend (Europe): over 25% of the total games were played on RoC
Azeroth (US East): over 13% of the total games were played on RoC
Lordaron (US West): almost 9% of the total games were played on RoC
OVERALL: over 18% of the total games were played on RoC

Don’t give Activision too much credit. CaptainJack is probably not an Activision shill because Activision doesn’t care enough to fund a shill like CaptainJack. He has been on this forum arguing the pro-Reforged side of things on all threads for years. He’s probably just someone who figured out that the more times you post, the higher ranked you get.

There are threads with people posting that newer patches (1.35-1.36) reduced their FPS performance during their gameplay. CaptainJack replied to them telling them that their frame dropping isn’t a problem, or that they’re not dropping frames and just imagined it. There are threads with people complaining that they only bought Warcraft III from 2003 but it did an automatic update to Patch 1.32 and started using 26 GB instead of 1 GB, despite this being for data they don’t use. CaptainJack replied to them saying it’s not a problem, or that it’s their fault for trying to care how much space is used on their hard drive, or whatever. He’s posted on almost every thread on this site. If you’re just now seeing it, you must be new.

searching through archive.org rn and what I’m seeing is that the numbers weren’t being updated because they’re exactly the same on 12/30/17 and 09/03/18 :thinking:

EDIT: every capture has the same numbers, starting at 03/24/2009.


Thank you, that tells me that those numbers probably aren’t accurate, and they almost certainly go down over time as expansion adoption generally increases over time.

Anyway: Yes, they may have used technical issues as an excuse, but if it was really a popular thing, I really think they would have put the effort in to fix it.

It’s not even the first time popularity would have driven them to remove/not fix something. RoC launched with a team free for all queue (2v2v2v2), primarily designed to let them showcase the much larger maps war3 was capable of compared to previous games. But it was not very popular at all and was removed very early on, with that exact reason being cited.

I don’t think they’re as serious as yours, because you seem to be really upset by all this, and seem to be dealing with some severe paranoia. Just because someone disputes your arguments doesn’t mean they’re a “shill.”

As much as I should probably be offended by this, I’m not, because you’re exactly right, they’re too cheap to give this game the attention it deserves, why would they invest money to pay someone to make things seem only slightly less bad than they really are? This whole notion that I’m shilling is ridiculous at best and insane at worst. I apologize that I’m not as enraged as some of this community is at Blizzard’s decisions (certainly doesn’t mean I’m happy though), but just because I’m not using every other sentence to curse Blizzard’s name doesn’t mean I’m working for them.

I gotta stop you right there, because I NEVER said anyone was just imagining their problems. I’ve disputed some people’s accounts that the game is “unplayable” because they complained about their FPS dropping even though that FPS numbers they themselves provided were well above what any modern monitor can display. That doesn’t mean performance isn’t degraded, but it does mean they’re making it sound worse than it is. This is a common tactic by angry gamers in an attempt to hasten a fix, but it simply does not work.

Other people have told me they play XYZ custom game with tons of units on the screen and how THAT becomes unplayable, which I certainly believe, but the problem is Blizzard doesn’t care how your game performs when playing a custom game. If they care about anything, they only care about how the game performs during play of official game modes.

See, the thing is everyone keeps saying that I’m saying their problem is fake or imagined, and I’ve never once said that. But because I am admittedly downplaying it (because in my view, they are over-stating the issue), they misrepresent my words on purpose. I just take issue with exaggerating software bugs to try to persuade developers to fix them faster. It will be fixed when it gets fixed, and being extra angry or misrepresenting the problem isn’t going to get it done any faster.

I’ve come to simply accept the heat I get for trying to ensure that an issue is portrayed accurately. Despite everyone’s frustration with me, I do this because accurate information is what will get something fixed the soonest- not hyperbole.

And you know, I could just be really damn lucky that I’ve not had the level of problems a lot of other people have had. That might even be exactly the case. But why should I fake being enraged and crazy pissed off when I’m not? It’s the simple truth, and I always pursue the truth in all things. And contrary to popular belief on this forum, someone saying they’re not having as severe a difficulty as you is not going to prevent a clear and widespread problem from being fixed. All real, legit bugs should be fixed when discovered, a couple of people not noticing them or not having them is not a reason not to fix something. If I heard that someone made a decision not to fix something because any number less than 100% of people were complaining about something, I would actually be upset, because that’s not how software development is supposed to work.


So basically what CaptainJack is saying is that he’s not saying the people who claim to have issues are wrong.
It’s that they hurt their own case by engaging in intentional hyperbole to inflate their own case’s importance in the sea of issues that Reforged has.

Kinda like how they’re also engaging in hyperbole when they call him a shill for taking a rational stance.

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For more perspective, the last recorded week of stats for RoC (as shown by archive.org) is 5/14/2005 where it says 40,083 games were played. On the same week, for TFT, 559,230 games were played. Even in 2005, RoC games played were 7.167% the amount of TFT games played.

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Thanks for checking into it. Though that only makes my case, since the number is smaller than the other people here claimed.