This. THIS. People don’t seem to know the difference between retcons and expanded and polished lore.
Also, I’d like to add some more:
Kul Tiran commissars investigating the missing ships (in Southshore?) after Thrall, Grom, and the orcs sailed away from Lordaeron
The fate of Maiev and her Watchers after failing to recapture Illidan in Outland
Where are the Sons of Lothar in WC3???
Katherine Proudmoore receiving news from the Kul Tiran survivors and officially declaring Kul Tiras to leave the Alliance of Lordaeron for good, and her daughter Jaina as persona non grata
Since you think so, help me point out to Blizzard about the inconsistencies in the game lore to make it even bester, and when all of the plot holes are covered up too, it might even become the bestest story ever: