Why is 4v4 impossible?

After playing the original, way back when, I was a casual 4v4 player, with a roughly 45-50% win rate, depending on the day. However, after 20 years, not only have I lost my touch, but 4v4 is just a bad time now.

As far as me being bad again… well, I’m not sure how to “practice” or “get gud” as I get complained a lot lately. I can get units, hero control, but micro isn’t my strong suit, never really was.

My biggest complaint/question: How the heck do you not get your hero killed in 2 volleys? It seems every single person gets nothing but fiends/rifles/zerkers/hippo riders in a game, and its just a focus frenzy on your hero. It may be “good strategy”, but as a new player, what the heck am I supposed to do? (oh and MMR be damned… that doesn’t help AT ALL for matchmaking purposes in 4v4).

TLDR: 4v4 used to be fun, but now it is just a hero killing frenzy, and everyone just calls you a noob and complains instead of trying to be helpful. Time to move on from Blizzard all together I guess.

You could try a paladin and have him turn invulnerable so that the enemy can’t kill him first thing, or a Warden and blink away. But I don’t know the meta since I just use World Editor mostly, so your allies might quit if you pick a Paladin for example if their instruction sheets say that “Paladin first is wrong.”

The community in this game just sucks. It doesn’t help how Blizzard’s lack of caring made everybody so jaded, but it was never that great even before Reforged. RTS games like this have some of the most toxic communities.

Ignore what Reforged1 said. Warden is easily the worst hero in 4v4, or even all around in the came currently (squishy, piss poor utility in team fights). Pally shield is so-so, but that means you’re dealing with a frontline hero; It’s also hard to use as a first hero.

MMR balancing is the most skewed garbage there is. From both perspectives of high/low.

Also, some people have just given up trying to give advice. I’ve lost count the amount of times I’ve personally been told off, or gotten a sarcastic response for trying to guide players. Even obviously new ones. Then there’s the consistent repeat offenders that won’t listen or even try to learn. *Shrug

Invuln pots from the shops are your best friend. Or just mirror what the opponent does and hero focus too. When in Rome…

This game is not about macro, but micro too. So learn to micro. Dont want to micro heroes? Go play SC2 and dont cry.

Can buy invuln potions and staff hero away (even if you’re not human or NE, you can still buy these items from their shops). Can position hero defensively before battle (boots of speed and movement auras are huge for this). Can play with a friend who will pally/SH second and ask for heal (Undead who will get Banshees later to AMS against hero nukes late game are awesome too). Can also learn which creep camps have the greater invulns/heals in their drop pool and go after those camps relatively early (market places sell these items sometimes too). Hero focus is still strong and they’re gonna die somewhat regularly but sometimes it’s getting people to overcommit and lose a bunch of units when getting a hero kill.

But if you’re doing stuff like creeping an orange camp with 3 players or straight teching instead of doing a decent creep route then, yeah, there’s really no combination of suggestions that’s gonna undig your team out of that kind of hole. Even with an item or 2, expecting your level 2-3 hero to survive long enough to matter against nukes and CC from level 4-5 heroes just isn’t realistic.

I cannot reccomend W3C unless you’re a really good player. The general standard of skill is much higher there and if you’re a novice you’re probably going to have a worse time there because you will get targeted and crushed unless the rest of your team can carry you. The perception is war3champions is for champions, not for ordinary players, I see this, people I know see this. at least on bnet there is a chance of winning if you’re not good- just turn the chat off or mute players who are jerks and you will enjoy it much more.

It’s not just the name either, beginners and novices are far, far less likely to know about, look for or be willing to install external third party modifications (i.e. not custom games) just to play the game, and this further skews W3C towards the higher levels of play.

bnet 4vs4 is ez, I have 50apm, but 80%winrate and highest solo mmr, all player suck hard.

If you can carry like that you’ll probably do fine on W3C :stuck_out_tongue:

8 player ffa > 4v4
12 player ffa = paradise

everyone playing w3champions

I can’t get into this, seems like some kind of constant malware popups.

just owned one 1vs7 game with our famous noob cat lol