Why are we punished with a colorless sepia background?

Thank you, Whisper, for taking the time to state this much more elegantly than I could.

You deserve a sepia menu because you’ve been naughty : you didn’t give uncle Blizzard your lunchmoney.


They are money suckers man. they will go to any lows to make you buy refunded. Sepia looks aweful, dull and unappealing…but i guess thats what they want it to be like to try to get money

PS When can we expect a
basic patch? 4 months later is shameful for blizzard


It’s not just if you haven’t bought reforged. It’s for everyone. This isn’t some big flashing sign to middle finger Blizzard’s fans and say something to the equivalent of “YOU GUYS HAVE PHONES RIGHT” like you seem to think it is. I mean, I don’t really blame you for feeling that way in all honesty, but that doesn’t mean that’s why it’s there.

Can you tell me where that says “next major patch”?

It doesn’t say it there. But a monkey could make another solution, like putting a logo on the screen, so I’m giving them some leeway and assuming that the next patch that is more than just hotfixes would probably include something like this since it most likely isn’t a major feature that needs lots of work. Because I’m not an eternal cynic.

It’s not making a mountain out of a molehill

It’s a mountain out of a molehill. You are reading way, way too far into it. It is NOT there to say “TO HECK WITH YOU (for lack of allowed words) YOU DIDNT BUY REFORGED,” no matter how much you want it to be.

I get it, you really hate blizzard right now, but despite that, it doesn’t mean that every decision was made out of personal malice for you, or for the community at large. Is it really too hard for you to believe that this indeed was a quick fix, a TEMPORARY fix, as they said, for a simple problem and NOT a way of telling you you’re a filthy somethingorother because you didn’t buy reforged or you refunded it?

Blizzard has done a lot of tone-deaf and dumb things- but they have not been doing anything to deliberately try to make you hate them.

Cut almost all the content of the Reforged? remove half of W3 content?
blame the fans?

He has done things to earn hatred. although I assume that it is because of incompetence not conscientiously

Reforged didn’t add new content- there’s nothing to cut. Huh? I mean if you’re referring to the missing features we’ve all been complaining about then yes, that’s a problem, but those are still coming back.

Yes, they’ve screwed some things up, and I don’t deny that. But this guy is strongly implying that the sepia tone menu is specifically there to remind you “hey you scrub you didn’t buy reforged and we dont like you because you didnt give us money.”

It is purely an indicator of which mode is selected. If you own reforged and you activate classic mode, you see the sepia tone. It’s not just for non-buyers.

Reforged was going to grab a New Campaign when announcing it and skins and a new inreraz. nothing of that si un game.

now in a game that failed in everything and blames the fans. how difficult it is to take the small leap that they do it on purpose.

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Citation needed on the new campaign. I’d never heard about it and it was not in any of the advertising in their store for the game.

As for skins, we did get those. I don’t know what a “inreraz” is.

The ones they had to remove for false advertising.
of the skins I gave you the sources and you ignore it.

man. You like denying reality.

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The original announcement came hand in hand with coming out with a new, separate overhauled campaign experience. Bring it in line and unify it with the current canon I think is what Tutan is trying to get at.

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Did anyone actually complain about not being able to tell if they are in Classic mode? Is this another case of finding a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist?


total shte reason for ever implementing this ugly colorless sheet of sht.

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In other words. Not a couple new levels…but literally re-doing the campaign.


Then why didn’t they? The Warcraft3 logo with Classic or Reforged to under it to me is a much better solution than taking away colour from your loyal player base.

I don’t think they did it on purpose, I don’t think they all sat in a room cackling about how else they could give the finger to the player base, my problem is that no one at all thought “Hey, maybe after 2 weeks of people raging about cut content, especially those who had the game for 17 years up until now, taking away their colour ON TOP of this ISN’T A GOOD IDEA?”


It’s gone now, so you can proceed to raging about the next itty bitty little thing you’ll undoubtedly turn into a conspiracy.

The original announcement came hand in hand with coming out with a new, separate overhauled campaign experience. Bring it in line and unify it with the current canon I think is what Tutan is trying to get at.

Again, citation needed. Link to this announcement. Prove that they said they were actually changing the story and “bringing it in line with current canon.” Which I really am not sure what future events occured that conflict with War3’s story, as I stopped playing WoW after BC.

I don’t see you giving any sources for anyhting anywhere in this thread. And these statements you made make no sense.
“The ones they had to remove for false advertising”
They didn’t “remove” anything. And there are various hero skins which can be found in the collection screen. I’m not really aware of anything that was explicitly promised that isn’t there. Vague statements about updating the campaign and having them turn out to not line up with the expectations you personally had is not false advertising. People really don’t understand how that works. False advertising would only fly if you bought a peice of software and they sent you a hair dryer as if it was the actual product you were purchasing; or if they make some sort of legal or health claim that can be proven false. The problem with features of software is all they have to do is patch the game and the claim is invalid. Software is established to be constantly evolving and changing. You could only make such a claim against them if they announce that they are ceasing all devleopment but continue to sell the product with those promises in place in its current advertising. But there’s a whole huge thread about why you would fail if you tried to sue for false advertising- If it was that easy to make such claims, virtually all software would get sued because not everything is 100% exactly as some individual user expects.