Why are health bars ally colors instead of color coded to unit health

I feel this is just basic RTSing that the devs might have wanted to think through. Is there a way to change this back to the way it used to be? Or can Blizzard please patch for this in the future.


Its better lol

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…how so?

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It makes it easier to tell which units belong to whom.

Not really. That’s why units have colors on their bodies. The colors above their head should indicate health.
In 19 years of playing wc3 I never had any trouble seeing the colors on the bodies and distinguishing self vs enemy. Toggling ally color mode helps with this so you are always blue and opponent always red. Allies are always teal.
What doesn’t help is blurring together the color of the unit and the health bar making it much harder to pick out which unit is being focused.
Regardless of what you or I think, there should be an option to toggle this, just as you can switch between classic and reforged graphics. That way you can play with the colors the way you like and I can do the same

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Games aren’t made for you, they’re made for multiple people…in this case thousands of people.

I feel i’ll need to clarify…just because you like something, doesn’t mean everyone else does. Just because something is easier for you, doesn’t mean it is easier for everyone else. Also, the game mode you play might make it easier for your preference while more popular modes might not.

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So your problem is habit not the colors.

Colors are crap. It blends in and is hard to distinguish what’s happening. Given how hard it is already to know what is happening because of the models the ally health bars make it even harder to micro your units in a battle. Which is a big deal in RTS games.


I prefer the unified color per team, it take a lot of time to get used to unit color codes.

Check the options, I am positive I had it the old-rainbow-bars before and had to toggle it to team colors.

I prefer having the old health bar. Some darker colours are harder to see the actual health on a black background. Whereas it used to go green -> yellow -> red, which is really easy to see, yes, my guy is wounded/yes, that guys is wonded.
Now you need a bigger screen and a higher gamma to see it better.

This is an option you can change. Options / Gameplay / Uncheck the box that says something along the lines of “allied health bars”.


Lmao I absolutely hate you. I tought the fresh health bar color was a good thing.

its in classic warcraft too because its using the reforged client. I turned it off immediately lulz.

can’t stand team colour hp bar.

Yeah like “hey I’m black color team. Wait we fight in a dark terrain. I can’t see a thing about my unit”

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Turn on ally/enemy color and enjoy. Stop creating problems out of nowhere

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I like it. Health bars set to ‘damage only’ and ‘team colors’. Makes things much more clear for me.

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Look through your settings before reporting another “bug”

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I repeat, it is so it’s easier to tell which units belong to whom…

More like, “There’s no dark terrains so what are you even talking about?”

Well, Forsaken do create black’ish ground so… There’s that, but I do like the color coded health bars too :).