Where is the Classic HD that was shown?

The supposed ‘‘HD’’ upscale looks EXACTLY the same as Classic. Why don’t the units look like they do in your promo images bc those look incredible. This is a complete scam unless its just bugged


I really wish it was a bug, but I highly doubt it is. They didn’t show the stuff from those screenshots in their little video after all. Literal scam


It’s not bugged. I reckon the images they released were conceptual or an idea during the development process.

Somebody in the marketing team is getting fired.

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I agree, looking closer, the models look kind of 2D.

As if someone AI-uprezzed screenshots of models from the World Builder and put them on an WC3R in-game screenshot.

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its just higher resolution version of the same art, it’s not going to look dramatically different, just no giant pixels and jaggies…


You’re not paying attention then. The models look different, look at the footmen. It looks vastly different, people who believe this are either blind, insane or gaslighting.


People who believe it hold a genuine opinion and are not any of those things. You have every right to disagree, but you have no right to be offensive or insulting becuase of a difference of opinion.

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idk what game youre playing then :slight_smile: I want the models to look exactly like they were shown in the promo images and they look nothing like that. Maybe they look slightly different but this isnt even 5% of what was shown in the pictures. All im asking for is for them to deliver on what was shown


In those captures, the “HD” was a CONCEPT. sadly.

Anyway I prefer reforged graphics but enviorment needs work, colours need to be more attractive and some units like undeads should be reworked.

thanks god we the new quenching 2.4, released few hours ago, but sadly it was before 2.0 reforged so rn has some bugs


They got labeled a concept after everyone pointed out that it was blatant false advertising, lmao. Sure hope nobody bought Reforged based off of those pictures without knowing that classic HD is just an upscale that looks almost exactly the same.


not dramatically different? Check the buildings, check the units again. They are the same style representing the old tradition of WC3 - but much better in terms of visuals.

The Tauren, Raiderwolves have 3D-Fur. The archers have feathered cloaks and different hair. The models of units and buildings have way more polygons (check the orc guardtower or fortress) - the altar is way different than in classic - more detailed and still looking classic.

This was the way everybody was hoping for a reforged version. I do not understand why they even tease us with this images. But if it is conceptional art (which sounds like an excuse) - where are the final results then?

No redone buildings and units at all.


Man, imagine if we just got those visuals in 2020 instead of the crap we have now. Lmfao.


Well yes, you just described what I mean by “not dramatically different.”

They’re improved, but faithful to the original designs. Whereas the original Reforged models were highly detailed, but had an overall totally different look and style to them.

Not sure why you replied to me with this. I was commenting in support of the Classic HD feature.

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well, in this case i missunderstood your post - however i really wanted it to look fresh and new like they teased us on those promo fake screenshots. History repeats - 4 years ago they teased us in Reforged aswell with the better color/lightning of the beta-screenshots.

And then everything looked…different, dark, muddy hard to spot and unbalanced. This has been always the nr.1 main reason for critics besides the aesthetics. And nothing of this got adressed again. It is even worse in my opinion now. New Terrain and old Reforged units look like they are from two different games.

So everything stays as it has been before 2.0 in that regard: Most of the people will prefer Classic.

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That’s fine, it happens all the time.


I misunderstood you. I thought you were saying that the promo image is not different from the game. I actually agree with you.