Where is custom campagin section on warcraft 3?

There isnt any custom campaign section in the game, pls add it.

It was on the todo list before development slowed. When development resumes it will likely be implemented soon after.

Blizzard claimed a few months back “We are still committed to bringing you these features.” But the “Classic Games Team” is currently working to push out the release of Diablo 2 Ressurected. After that releases, there is a possibility (just a possibility…) but currently the feature is not avialable.

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Yeah, I’ve been asking about that for over 2 years now since it came out (and the beta) and never received an answer beyond

“We’re working on it!”

It probably will never release. The game has already been almost fully gutted because of the ‘work’ (backwards progress) they did with Reforged, and as an avid lover that grew up playing WC3 I don’t think this game will ever be a fit successor (and it ruined the original one by making it cross-playable at that!)

VicariousVisions is the new official classic games team. There is some possibility that they will be tasked with this after sorting out the server mess with D2R (which they seem to be working on in good faith). But it’s going to take some time before they’re going to be assigned something to do that isn’t D2R.