When will we fix FPS below version 1.35

You seem to be misunderstanding. I never said that AMD users weren’t having issues. What I said was that this issue isn’t SPECIFIC to AMD users. Straight from the quote you made of me: “Non AMD users ARE ALSO experiencing lower performance.”

Multiple people here have been repeatedly claiming that this bug/issue/whatever is SPECIFICALLY associated with AMD devices, when people without AMD hardware have also complained about FPS problems, which automatically means the problem is not specific to AMD devices, otherwise people without AMD hardware would not be complaining about the same issues.

This makes it a thinly veiled attempt to disparage AMD when it isn’t the fault of their hardware that this is happening. Any FPS issues are the result of either a bug in the game, or some unreleated thing like out of date drivers or whatever else you might think of.

I also said myself that I did observe lowered performance in recent patches, after identifying a flaw in my method of testing. That being said, it wasn’t enough to impact regular gameplay. This is even corroborated with other users who specifically said they had problems with custom games.

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They can’t provide video evidence because they don’t have a time machine to fufill your demands of getting FPS numbers from a version of the game that’s no longer available.

The funny thing is most of the people who complained provided no video evidence but you never asked them to do so, because they agreed with you. Everyone should have to provide evidence, not just those taking a different position from you. Double standard.

But I already resolved this issue months ago when I specifically told you and everyone else that I was able to identify a performance issue, just not nearly as severe as you and some others make it out to be, and by your own admission you exaggerated the issue to try to make Blizzard fix it.

Blizzard is an English game studio. What are you hoping to accomplish by making posts in Chinese when it’s apparently not even your native language? And why is it that whenever you post, the same three or four other users also make posts in Chinese?

Basically no one here can read this stuff, so what do you aim to accomplish by doing this?

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need fix freezing bug

need fix freezing bug
Blizzard needs to take action.
As for CaptainJack’s remarks, don’t pay attention to him.

The basic principle is to pay attention to evidence when speaking.

The court’s verdict also emphasizes evidence. If CaptainJack cannot provide evidence, then we don’t need to look at his speech. For meaningless speech, people don’t need to pay attention to him

The video of mengyi1234 clearly indicates a 100fps decrease in AMD CPU.

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我的cpu是intel 12600,amd cpu 存在3秒卡顿1次,而我不存在这个这个问题。显然1.36版本对amd cpu影响很大

有人在发癫,我们看笑话不好吗?amd cpu就是个垃圾

这个1.36版本对amd cpu优化不太好,我的几个其它朋友已经好久没玩了,好几个都是amd cpu,都说自己fps跟1.35相比,掉了50多fps,现在这几个都只能去kk对战平台玩老版本的1.27。

大型自定义地图了完全不能玩,像castle fight这些,单位一多起来,屏幕fps马上就掉下去了,要是以前1.35版本的话,根本一点都不卡,现在这个破1.36,稍微兵多几个,就卡的要死。



我看那些B站直播玩lordarean tf,war in the plagueland,Warcraft Legacies,dark ages zombie incursion的这些人,fps都低的只有10fps不到,完全不知道1.36在搞什么鬼,其它游戏的fps都是随着游戏更新而增加,就这个魔兽争霸3重置版,越更新帧数越低。


Why do people keep posting in chinese here, especially when making comments on english topics? At least make your own threads if you won’t use english…

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Tag phil spencer about this issue on social media.

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Yeah, I don’t think he even knows the game exists. good luck on that.