When will warcraft 4 happen?

Hello so i read microsoft’s working on Warcraft 4 i just have one surgestion. Allow us to save Arthas through a harder mission campaign instead of purging Stratholme we have to do a hold out and flee to Kalimdoor.

You should play the custom campaign oh-so-creatively titled “Arthas Campaign” by Sagi5533, this is an alternative campaign that has a mission like you described.


But i want them to do a campaign about it too besides it’s bugged

They’re not going to do it because it’s not canon. The entire premise of World of Warcraft is based on the fact that events in this game happened the way they did.

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Yeah. Grom dies in this game, but on WoW he’s still alive. Arthas beats Illidan in this game but on WoW Illidan is still alive. Muradin Bronzebeard dies in this game but on WoW he’s still alive. Archimonde dies in this game but on WoW he’s still alive. Uther dies in this game but on WoW he played a part in character arcs because idk as a dead ghost he hung around and did things, and also I had stopped following the WoW story by the time he became a jailor angel comedian.

Sylvanas was enslaved by the lord of the dead and breaks free in this game, but on WoW she’s still enslaved by a different lord of the dead (then breaks free again).

Cenarius dies on this game but on WoW he spawns back to life for some reason. In the handbook that came with this game in 2002 it said that the Eredar were demons like Archimonde who corrupted the Titan named Sargeras to create the Burning Legion. But on WoW, the Eredar are made from Sargeras corrupting blue goat people, so where did Sargeras even come from?

I would almost moreso say it is true that the premise of World of Warcraft is based on the fact that events in this game DID NOT happen the way they did.

From my perspective it seems like the polar opposite of what you said is true. The only point of continuity is that “the Lich King exists,” but even then I’m not sure it’s necessarily that consistent on the fine details.

Warlords of draenor happend and that’s a different timeline so just do it with a different timeline.

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Well i haven’t kept up with the game as I haven’t played it since the second expansion but lots of things are still based on the war3 campaigns, like the undercity which would still be a normal human city if Arthas didn’t do his thing, and the world as we knew it at least as of that time is based on the world as it is presented in war3, as the existence of places like Kalimdor, the night and blood elves, and so on which were all introduced in this game.

aside from all the other stuff in this thread, we’re not going to get any new story content in this game, we can’t even get them to make the game even work fully so asking for new content is a waste of time.

Asking for Warcraft 4 is not a waste of time, there is a full market out there keen to play RTS games, (Stormgate has a huge audience and interest for example). Warcraft 4 would even draw more attention and audience as people are more interested in a rpg-esque type of RTS with 100 cap pop, unlike the 200 starcraft-esque that is saturated by Starcraft series, AOE series, and there can be no WoW2 without the platform of W4.

well i’d say they had a chance to announce it like everyone else was announcing stuff at the game awards. Maybe next year?

The opinions here are somewhat detached, but the fun fact to consider is that the development of vanilla WoW coincided with that of WC3. That might explain why in many respects WoW is closer to WC2 such as the prominence of Stormwind and the irrelevance of Theramore.

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Will happen when the time is right! And not even one day sooner!

this will never happen and i highly doubt they are working on any kind of wc rts.

That is SO insightful.

It would be nice if they had campaigns that explored storylines that were not covered. What was happening in Stormwind perhaps?

They could expand on so many random locations in the world!

We’ll probably see Starcraft III before a Warcraft IV sadly

Maybe in Starcraft 3 jim and kerrigan will be parrents and the children will go on an epic quest?

Hopefully never considering how sht Reforged is

In order for warcraft 4 to make sense they will need to ignore WoW completely and start the story immediately or close to the events of war3

There isn’t Warcraft 4. Instead, there is WoW and Arclight Rumble. Those are the Warcraft 4. Those are the future of this game.