When Will they Respond?

It’s one thing to say, “hey, where did you find that?” in an inquisitive sort of way. But it’s laughable to follow it up with such definitive certainty that it’s unilaterally wrong. I mean, could it be possible that you missed something Bliz said about Reforged? Could it possible that the one posting may have actually gotten their information from a published source? No, not with your types. If it counters your fervid anti-Bliz position, you make it not true in your head.

So, after Blizcon 2018 were the demo of was featured, there was an infux of feedback that the new voice acting subtracted from the nostalgia. After Bizzcon 2019, articles from interviews at the convention started getting published that described this very thing.

First hit on Google, Whiplash. The day after Blizzcon.