What wrong with you fans?

looks bad / different, also new voiceover

It is good to express doubts, let’s clear those doubts.

Check out the Warcraft III: Reforged sorceress here:
Completely emotionless! :frowning:

She received the filter, war3 counterpart as reference:

The naga and succubus in your pic have masculine features. In art we can create whatever we want and define all parameters of perfect/imperfection, those last two are lacking compared to say this hero below who was made right before Blizzard introduced their feminine-purge policies:

(released by blizz right before censorship policies were introduced)

I’m sorry and this is probably somehow a failing on my part, but what do emotions have to do about whether or not something’s been censored? In fact I’d claim that the Reforged Sorceress is showing more or equal amounts of skin. The blouse isn’t a deep v-neck anymore but her arms are more bare and there’s more thigh showing.

But Vashj is still wearing a metal bikini top and the succubus, if that didn’t look like metal, would be camel toe-ing all over the place. I don’t think that’s very censored.

Why does the sorceress look like the cross between a blood elf and an orc.

That’s true I totally forgot when they purged tracers features.

It is definitely an element, you can censor much with subtleties it does not always have to be in your face.

Eh… it isn’t that simple, you can’t just slap that cheap attire on a character and call it a day. look up elegance: mathematical beauty, the golden ratio, and beauty science, etc.

It isn’t about society beauty standards btw, you can make any body shape work if you are good enough of an artist. there are all kinds of fabric and materials that can be cut to define elegance nobody has imagined before. It isn’t all about bikinis on super models.

I like the addition of different genders, both male and female, for some units like the female DK when it makes sense (some units should not have them like NE female Druids because of lore reasons).

However, I don’t see why people can’t have a preference for only playing the old school Hero skins if they want to. I want to see skin collections with players choosing what skins they want in game. So if people are not too keen on the female DK and want the old version, I understand and I hope Blizzard will allow you to customise that way. :slight_smile:

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For me it’s because they are happy to cut out of the game the things I was excited for (the cinematics, new campaign) but they’re happy to change the original gender of heroes to be ‘woke’. If this Reforged or Remastered? No one will ever know…


So if it’s not with her face, is it how she moves? It can’t be how she speaks because it’s the same lines and voice actress just with the quality touched up.

Say they did get all of this accomplished though. How much are we noticing from the standard Warcraft 3 camera and perspective? Right now we’re under a very close lens.

I do admit Tracer is a bit of an anomaly. It isn’t black and white yet. We need to remember she was made before the purge - she was made for Project Titan(pretty sure by Arnold Tsang). Then she became the mascot of OW. Blizzard were quick to turn her into a lesbian, does that change anything? I’m not sure, it is interesting never the less.

I’m sure you can confidently answer this one

We would notice instantaneously(see Heroes). There has been advancements with what can be expressed thanks to the increased poly budget. What was possible back in WC3 is different today.

In melee matches Humans could hire Pitlords, Naga, and have a Blood mage sounds like fanfiction. Melee games aren’t suppose to be canon they are supposed to just be fights, the female Death Knight won’t show up in the campaign just as Triceron said.

They said they are improving the balance of the game, and the editor, why does it sound like you don’t believe that?

Is this a reference to the game play being old? If so the stuff is being remodeled, and game play isn’t being changed because they thought that is what players wanted. Which based on the reaction to them considering to add to the story and re-dub voices, they may have been right. If that isn’t what you meant, I am lost.

What in the name of The Lich King are you talking about? this metaphor is weird.

I’m pretty sure she is still in WoW, also she is 100% in Warcraft Reforged as I have been keeping up with leaks, she is still as lewd as she was in the original game.

You mean sexually appealing to you don’t you? If we are talking about Hearthstone only, Jaina’s character art is like right there.

The meatwagon has a corpse split in half, the succubus is still in the game, 99% sure she will have the original horny dialog, Arthas is still going to go murder literally a hundred people directly. What kind of kids media am I missing?

I was originally going to say okay boomer, but that was too silly. Anyways if this is too “junior” to you just move on, but it still seems like an adult themed game, and it just seems like you are overreacting to non-issues.

What and who are you talking to? If its the last guy who linked leaks, well there are some rendering issues there I think as they are leaks, but it still proves there isn’t censorship, and also did the original Warcraft 3 look that great?
Also do you mean they will have new voiceovers? They got yelled at, I doubt they will and there is no proof that they will.

That is a screenshot of her model, models were never that expressive in the original, you could barely see faces.

If you look at the first link’s model to the left you can see no clear expression, but the icon to the right, which isn’t shown in your reforged link there is still little expression. If you want to compare use the same parameters, either icons for both, or models for both. Also all units are using the same voices, I just played the beta her voice is the same.

They have Human characteristics, they have a different art style to the image you sent next, but I can’t see any overtly masculine features in the succubus or naga.

What looks Orcish about her? She looks like a realistic Human to me.

The older model doesn’t have any grace, it looks more triangular and fishy. In a way it seems less censored in Reforged as they made her less coated in scales.

Seems like the only way to make everyone happy at this point.

Ever since it was announced they didn’t think they would make new cinematics, just redo the in game cut scenes, which is unfortunate. However they did want to add to the old campaign, and they got yelled at to leave it. Now they are getting yelled at for having a single girl skin for the DK, even though it sounds like that is one of the many possible skins as each hero name is supposed to have a unique design for the multiplayer. It doesn’t sound woke it sounds like they had a fun idea and everyone is overreacting to it.

I’m not even sure what you mean.

(This got way too long.)

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I wouldn’t be asking if I didn’t feel like there was an unknown I’m not sure or confident about.

Yeah, that’s why I’m not sure why there’s a gripe about non-canon Death Knights when where they’re most likely to be featured and shown off is… the non-canon content.

Frankly I’m not sure why they are upset, the only valid critic of the DK I’ve read is she holds two weapons while on a horse which can be difficult.

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I’ll do you one further, why aren’t people critiquing that she doesn’t even use the axe?

lol sorry pal

For now.

Blizz conceded to retconing major parts of Warcraft III lore. The succubus is directly tied to warlock summoning, yet warlocks can no longer summon her in Hearthstone. She is on the way out or will be redesigned.

You are the one saying it, not me. What you are thinking about is different to what I am thinking about.

Juniors can handle death, it is a weak argument to say death = adult themes.

Who dies in the Lion King? Who is the movie made for? What about Optimus Prime(Transformers), how many times does he die again? You can’t explain why Blizzard censor can you. I can, these titles are for juniors.


If they were non-issues the censorship wouldn’t have happened in the first place.

Okay now I know you are reaching. I explained this one previously.

the bias is showing.

Give me your interpretation and we can discuss it.

Now this is big brain energy. Truly a philosopher amongst the sleeping masses calling them to awaken.

We have no reason to believe she is leaving. Nor are there reasons to believe she will be retconned, they removed her in Hearthstone but only they know why.

Neither of us can as neither of us has substantial evidence. Also death doesn’t equal adult themes, but you said they censored Wc3, which the amount of gore shown would lead me to believe the contrary. Also the moral question of if Arthas should purge Stratholme remains uncensored, its a pretty adult question if an argument for the greater good can justify such actions.

You said the sorceress is emotionless, but she seems just as expressive as before, now her character is clearly with more details.

I am curious what masculine features do you see, I’m not being rhetoricaI want to know where you are coming from to have this conversation not just laugh off each other’s opinions.

If it’s not face, voice, or general appearance because really not that much has been censored. Just redirected to other areas on the character model.


Femoids frighten the gamers


I can understand the concern of hypocrisy shown by Blizzard, but I don’t think the new genders is really a ‘woke’ thing. Jaina is a female archmage, I don’t consider that as some sort of political thing. Or the night elves being female warriors, that wasn’t political, that was just Blizzard having fun with an amazon faction.

The ones they said will be gender swappable (because they did say you could go between male and female, they’re just showing off the female model for Beta) are lore friendly and totally reasonable. A baroness being raised from the dead or corrupted by the lich king doesn’t seem far fetched in warcraft. She also has a sort of viking look to her, implying a fiercer north woman. Same thing with a female demon hunter, you know, from the race where the warrior caste is strictly women.

I’ve said on another post before, but the content that was cut was dialogue, the campaign is still being reworked. The editor already has new high elf heroes for Silvermoon and the such. Two new hero models of death knights and demon hunters does not come off as ‘woke’ or political cow-tailing in any way, Blizzard just wanted to add more breasts in the game (which I won’t complain about).