It really doesn’t
It’s really does,I’ve played the whole RoC campaign on this Editor and I enjoy it even know that the release will look different
Saying that “There’s no graphics in the Beta so Release will be the same!” It’s as dumb as saying “There’s no campaings in the Beta so Release will be the same!”
This makes my eye bleed watching this downgrade.
The build we have is not what was shown at blizzcon
Looks like the lighting isn’t done? Blizzcon 2018 demo was a vertical slice of what they wanted Reforged to be. Vertical slices are small super polished glimpses of what they are aiming for. What we have now is a technical beta, which is just a test of all the systems first BEFORE final polish.
Nah, the problem is a lack of direction in new blizz team, and people constasntly flaming people and games on the forum, like you did just now, instead of giving proper feedback to help them
Because it look more like old one and old = good and new = bad.
I want Reforged to look like Super Mario 64 basically, come to think of it Super Mario would make a great mountain king model.
Guarantee none of this would of been an issue if they just removed compatibility, they could of done so much more with the game…
yep, even a cool idea, i think the same about this. like this players who stuck in the past or are por players could have used old version and we others new version.
but i bet they had reasons they won’t share with us.
and now its kinda too late for this, but it STILL has the potential to look REALLY GOOD.
no lightning ect bcuz they use excuse some mapmaker cant port their old map to reforge if it use new engine and bcuz of this the dev is happy to use old engine and thats why alot of new stuff cant be implemented on the reforge which use oldengine.
True, it was said at Blizzcon panel.
And as an evidence :
Instead of just wait and get something like this:
People will act like a toxic beasts,with unreasonable hate to Blizzard,cause this some kind of a new trend…
The Culling demo from Blizzcon2018 looks perfect! This graphics the game needs now!
Running out of time in 2019 also… This is a giant fail. Wonder if it will ever release
I really hate to say it, but the game at the moment just looks bad, the culling demo at 2018 looked far better.
Dev’s, your goal should be the reforged beta grafics at blizzcon 2018.
I’m actually thinking why should i buy it if it looks like this at the moment.
You skiped so much things.
And then you give us this?!!
If you look at Entish’s channel on youtube he has ported few campaign maps from WC 3 to Reforged and it looks hideous. Type burning legion race campaign and you can see the rain is absolute joke. I seriously don’t understand how can someone even defend this.
Give us back the culling demo look at 2018, we are serious blizzard!
I won’t buy it if it comes out like this.
- No new UI
- No new additional campaign
- No graphic improvement
Tell me for what am i paying?!
Booby cocktics appetizer
You people are ridiculous and should maybe completely opt yourselves out of the BETA because you clearly have no idea how it works.
You’re upset over a terrain tileset.
Like the easiest freaking thing for them to implement.
You’re upset over the lack of graphical features found in the demo.
Yeah, because they turned them off. They’re off by default. Their primary focus right now is finishing the assets and getting everything in working order. Their last step is going to be the polishing phase where they turn these graphical features back on and polish them to the game. The Demo version was optimized well for the PCs it was used on, this public release however is not yet optimized for the billions of combinations of computer builds.
Did any of you even participate in the SC2 beta, because literally this is exactly how SC2 beta was. It was dark, ugly, and pale looking, and lacked all campaign assets, right up until release when it was god damn beautiful.
Have any of you ever opened up the WC3 or SC2 editor before? Do you know what the dependencies are? The Dependency they are working on might very well differ from the dependencies on release.
I was a part of the sc2 beta, I actually created a map during the sc2 beta, using the beta dependency. What happened on release? We got the WoL melee dependency, which broke all the UMS created, because it was different than the beta dependency. If we wanted to add campaign units to the game? We had to load the campaign dependency, which further broke the maps.
Can you seriously go complain somewhere else because you’re not wanted nor even needed here. Your irrationalisms are a plague to actual progress.