What are your 3 favorite Warcraft 3 characters?

Thrall, Grom and Rexxar


Gul’dan (even just his skull was in the game)^^


not only as Skull he show up in Maiev actiVISION .
this is why he have his unique model.



I wanna see his HD model.

Kael and Arthas before undead campaign. I always thought and still think that DK Arthas looks horrible. Maybe they’ll make him look cooler in reforged and maybe remove that horse because I don’t like it at all. I mean I know they won’t remove the horse but I think he’d look much better without it.

Although i used to play only humans and the “good guys”. Arthas as a Lich king is one of the most and better character ever create in Videogames History

In any order: Grom, Jaina and Kel’Thuzad.

Grom was just a badass and while headstrong and violent redeemed himself and saved his people from Manny’s curse.

Jaina was wise, intelligent, calm and always looking at the bigger picture. Not letting herself be prejudiced and never dismissing new ideas.

Kel’Thuzad was a master puppeteer and played idiot Arthas like a fiddle.
Didn’t hurt that he had the best voice actor in the entire franchise.

Honourable mention thus also goes to:
Arthas, a beautiful tragic hero and fool. Masterfully written, sympathetic and remarkably subtle descent into madness from his mostly justified purge of Stratholme to deny the scourge a massive army to craven traitor burning the ships in Northrend in his quest for revenge.

Super honourable mention goes to Ner’Zuhl who is a perfect mysterious villain that does not get enough credit as a dark looming threat and even enigmatic benefactor at times. Such as when Arthas is directed to help Illidan sabotage the invasion of Felwood.

Arthas: What the hell is that?

The most evil character in warcraft is disgusted by his own minions. He was just a human doing evil things before wearing the helm

Arthas: the most realistic character in a fictional universe IMO.
Maiev: does everything she can to catch Illidan.
Rexxar: great adventure overall.

Allen Adham Mike Morhaime

Thrall, Illidan and Kel’Thuzad

One good saviour, one bad, and Kel because without him there would be no storyline…