What about removing the 12-unit cap for controlgroups

Ok I see. The lassie analogy was to try to convey in a humorous way that I didnt understand what you had been talking about(and honestly still dont) but if this offended you I apologize.

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This is how I feel personally as well, often it is the “hardcore” players that people mock that keep a game afloat for a long period of time, especially during content droughts. So if there was a portion of the community to focus on it would be them imo.

I’m just trying to see everyone else’s point of view though.

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“I think it is a better idea for the longevity of a game like this to cater to the people who’ve supported it for decades, instead of the people who might try it buy some skins then move on to the next fortnite game.”

Slow Clap
Completely agree


Uh, No. Dont fix what isnt broken and dont @%$! up our game so you can one click macro manage armies like its crap SC2. This is WC3. Theres 12 units to select. Enjoy.


I dont see how it would hurt to try out increased cap during the beta process.

Man, I’m pretty sure they are going to increase it for your Custom Game pleasures. Chill out.

Another thing to consider as mentioned before the original wc3 and reforged are meant to be compatible on ladder thus a unit cap increase would require the same change to the original to maintain balance and symmetry. They devs may be unwilling or unable to do this.


I can offer a fix for this but will cause massive rage mob on my head

I never actually thought about that. That kind of changes things a little.

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or you know… they can add it as an option to basic game too? since they using same engine

that you can turn on or off
just an idea?

True, but its additional effort tied into a change that the game arguably does not need in the first place. At best we can argue the removal of control group unit limits is a QoL change that would be most appreciated by newer players(who have no guarantee of sticking with the game anyway) and have little to no use by experienced players who would be using multiple smaller control groups anyway. At worst this could alter micro interactions at the competitive level.

So from the perspective of the developer why bother patching two versions of the game with a change that is not guaranteed to offer any significant improvement to the game overall and that the community itself is split over if they even want it?


they said they wil not change anything related to multiplayer, because of crossplay with the old version of warcraft 3.

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I prefer the idea of no limit to units selected. I don’t see it as a huge problem either way though since army sizes are generally on the smaller side anyway.

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even before relasing this they relased a new patch for game
isnt that changing game too?

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Absolutely, that’s the right way to change the game.

Make small changes that affect the balance and the meta of the game without actually changing any mechanics of the game.

Glad we finally agree :slight_smile:

didnt know changing max unit change was more significant balance thing than changing dreadlord’s sleep


I guess you should play some actual multiplayer to find out

In theory changing core gameplay mechanics is more impactful as it effects everybody while something like dreadlord’s sleep effects just that hero and by extension undead. I am not saying whether control group change specifically is that major but as a general thing changing overall mechanics tend to have wider impact then individual units or abilities.

Remove the cap yes, or make it at least 20.

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What can’t it have both?

Option in the settings, unlimited selection or restricted to 12 units?

Honestly, don’t see how this would be a problem.

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