What about removing the 12-unit cap for controlgroups

Grubby stated in his recent vlog that struggling against the controls is part of the magic of wc3 and helps separate skill between players. Now keep in mind this was not a direct reference to control groups specifically but it ties into the micro managing of the army and he is against streamlining it and plans to advocate against changes that impact it.

Keep in mind tho that grubby and other pro players are a very minor aspect to the community so his views are obviously his own and not the will of everybody obviously.


Blizzard, please create a new fresh 2019 worthy game for our beloved pro gamer Makaramus. He deserves so much more :frowning: Also pls set unit limit to 1000/1000! Itā€™s 2018 for gods sake!


What are you even talking about anymoreā€¦I am not even being sarcastic I legit have no idea what you are on about.


what else you adding to discussions other than insults?

Yeah, I think he was talking more about pathfinder at that time and I agree with him. That is a mechanic that brings bodyblocking, spliting and stuff, it should be preserved in my opinion.

Iā€™m just having a good time reading that Makaramus guy leaked design documents for a better W3 experience.

Both original WC3 and Reforged are going to be compatible onlineā€¦ Just so you know and keep your imagination at bay.

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so you was not doing sarcasm here too? well excuse me then
but still title is about 12 unit selection so its not place to discuss it here. you can make yourself heard by devolpers if you create a discussion about that directly :slight_smile:

Yes as I said it was a micro related question and not specific to control groups but there is some minor tie in there. If I see him streaming live again I might try to ask specifically about control groups as I am curious about his opinion.


Iā€™d love to get a read on the community feel on this. As you said Grubby and other professional players make up a small number of the community, but Iā€™d be curious to see which members of the community promote itā€™s longevity.

I know that in SC2 both the competitive, amateur, and casual audiences are satisfied through esports, ladder, and co-op respectively. I wonder if it would be possible to please all three in WC3:R as well.


Can somebody translate what he is trying to tell me? I feel like I am in an old lassie episode where the dog is trying to tell me somebody fell down the well but I just think the dog wants its belly rubbed.

I follow him through YouTube, last time I went to the stream it was some sort of playback video, I only realize after asking a few times and seeing people in chat explaining the situation. haha

1)Create a new threat
2)Write ā€œUpgrade pathing to be better at reforged pleaseā€
3)Write what you want from blizzard
and flagged for insult

Um I am not trying to threaten anybody?

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Itā€™s Inappropriate

This post contains content that a reasonable person would consider offensive, abusive, or a violation of our code of conduct.

at there: * Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters

you are discussing someting off topic wich is another thing to be reported too :slight_smile:

Guy talks mess and now reports people for ā€œinsultsā€. What a troll!

Just ignore him, carry on with discussion.

I mean I really and truly have no idea what he is trying to tell me but apparently I was ā€œinappropriateā€ to him in some way soā€¦sorry?

Makaramus tends to attack people for having an opinion other than his/hers.
You have done nothing wrong.

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this is respond to me.

SC2 is a bad example in my opinion. Iā€™d argue Warcraft IIIā€™s longevity and community support is the one to emulate over SC2.

The veteran and competitive players care about this because it changes the game a lot.

The new and casual players wonā€™t care at all no matter what theyā€™re given.

I think it is a better idea for the longevity of a game like this to cater to the people whoā€™ve supported it for decades, instead of the people who might try it buy some skins then move on to the next fortnite game.