We must stop insulting developers

nobody took the original game away

Technically, Blizzard DID take it away. Only those, who had it backed up, or had the CDs, can still play it. And even then, it’s not officially supported, and probably does break the ToS at some point.


Yeah, true, it can be difficult to not be appreciated but keep working despite of that. Yet it’s difficult to not criticize them when the unofficial ladder was released weeks, if not days after Refunded was launched, and almost half a year later we have no news about the official one, other than that they are working on it.
If one man managed to create it for such a short time, why is it taking the TEAM developers such long amount of time? But the worst part is the lack of communication. For all we know, it can be coming next patch (the one that is currently in PTS, where the patch notes claim that the patch notes to the live server may be different).
If they were just to give us monthly updates on the state of things, they will easily reduce players’ toxicity, as they will show us they are actually working on stuff. But just looking at patch notes, one sees small amount of unimportant changes, which raises questions.


exact. but with the fame of blizzard it is more possible that the high positions are not giving her the necessary resources. more than themselves they are the ones that fail.

Let’s face it blizzard says goodbye even if you work well. step with the diablo creator. if they were really failing consciences Blizzard would have kicked them out …


There are problems in this game that cannot be simply solved by the average user and some others that cannot be solved even by a good user (blizzardbrowser launching for example) because apparently the problem itself is hardcoded in the game.
Some affect all users, some other affect just part of the users so they are not considered “relevant”.
Let’s consider instead how many users already left because they were fed up by all this.
I know you are trying to help people to find workarounds, I was trying to do it too in the beginning, but then I have found myself fighting against a sick designed game and honestly it is not worth.

The overall concept of “by design” is missing here.

The lack of communication started the first day when the game has been presented.

The longest text you could have as feedback was something like “you must buy reforged to use reforged mode”, that appeared when you had to push a mysterious ugly button that had nothing to do with the rest of the interface in the bottom left of the screen. Funny thing I had reforged, but that was supposed to be a default error message for whatever reason you had that prevented you to use that mode.
No explanation whatsoever from the support team.
No further explanation from the game.
All you had was a game you have bought and a message telling you you had to buy the game for entering that mode.
Try using ANY other Blizzard game and see how you are overwhelmed by the massive information on whatever you want to do.
Was there a reason to remove the /help command in the chat?
Or for not adding a simple “feature to be implemented soon” tooltip on things still in development?
Why making the portrait clickable when it leads nowhere?
The chats… the first day you were getting bounced back and forth among channels in a non scrolling chat. Ye they solved the scrolling, what about the overlay or the channels themselves.
This mess has nothing to do with game graphic or security. It is really something no one needed at all.


You don’t own something that you don’t physically keep.

Ignoring all that BS roundabout convo.

What’s total comp…need to know benefits, stock, etc. before you try to compare a 160k job at one CA tech company vs another.

He instantly solved the worldwide issue about copyright, ownership and Quantum Cryptography^^

Give this guy a Nobel and a Turing prize please^^


You’re Welcome.

Good luck with all your digital purchases. They will not last nearly as long as their physical counterparts and you won’t be getting support from companies long gone about why you can’t re-download something in the future.

bloomberg never played this game

[og post went something similar to this]
no im going to make fun of developers for destroying a game to an unrecognizable extent until they all quit or decide to fix it

the forums is iconic to blizzard games because way back when with world of warcraft, the devs that left from everquest to work on WoW thought that the players understand what is fun and what needs to be edited better than the devs because they sit and actually go through the content. they also thought player input was important and wanted to incorporate it into their games. its why ian got hired for the ahn qiraj thing.

so, they can like, legitimately use criticism to get better at their jobs or let the forums and the game rot, which is what im assuming what they are going for at this rate. this whole release is a complete joke.

not to mention wc3 went from 3k players on a dead night (on ONE server) to feeling lucky if there are even 200 people logged on, on US

yeah i think broken isles was almost a good addition to WoW but they messed up a lot of information set up by wc3 by introducing them the way they did. nearly none of the isles was geographically the same (especially since suramar was actually in ruins on broken isles within wc3)

yo what. i made a new post to reply to ardenaso and it actually edited my og post?

sorry to whoever replied, dunno what happened


Make it clear I didn’t say stop complaining and claim what the game deserves.

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yes its a complete sentence

If you buy your games DRM free you won’t have to worry about company support or re-downloading since you can just make a backup copy on an external hard drive. That’s what I’m doing.

Physical space is at a premium.

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Sure but these are people complaining they didn’t keep their backups or original disk.

Still, we will probably be hard pressed to get our current PC games to work 30 years down the line. At a minimum someone will have to develop full emulation of x86/x64 on most likely whatever replaces ARM.

Consoles will most likely fair better, but there is not a lot of concern into actually preserving software long term and modern consoles have a lot more than can break than our current “retro” ones. I suspect in 2120 it will not be so easy to play a game from 2020 as we can currently listen to music, read books, etc from 1920 (or much earlier).

The entire culture of software as a service would need to change…so we are not going down the path anytime soon.

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I understand what you say and you are right about it, but the main problem here is not to “own” or “not own” something.
What Blizzard failed is the way you can “prove” you own something.
Basically is like when you open a bank account and after 20 years your bank asks for the paper they sent you with the password to access it and if you don’t have the paper they take away your bank account.
That is exactly what happened here.
It’s decades of Theory of Information thrown into the bin.
Or mmm wait… it is most probable that you don’t have the cd so you have to buy it again… right?

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the problem is that I would like to buy it again. But it can not be done. a product that 8 months ago suddenly worked is no longer and has been replaced by another that does not work.


In terms of PC games working in 100 years, chances are there will be programmers who love those games that figure out how to seamlessly port those games to the engines of the period. We’re already seeing this with Daggerfall Unity and OpenMW. So no, if the game’s popular enough there will always be a community dedicated to keeping it alive. And chances are the community will do a better job than the company that originally made it.

Which is how it works with most products. Only digital has brought us into this “you can re acquire it over and over”. If I lose a vinyl LP after 20 years? Buy another. If you lose a DVD? Buy another.

In almost all cases it’s on the consumer to backup/protect their purchase, not the supplier to do so for you. Your example of a bank, banks are a service, that follows the newer model of software as a service. But under the old model (which I personally think is better), once you lost your CD, yes, you no longer owned the game if you didn’t have backups.

You can be angry about it changing sure. You can not like that they would sell it to you 8 months ago but won’t now. But the software as it existed (minus online services that are always limited) does still exist and can be acquired (even legally) just not via Blizzard.

The topic as a whole is an open research field. Ignoring game’s specifically and just think about digital artifacts as a whole. Do we really believe that PDFs will still be readable in 3000 years like we have paper artifacts from the ancient world? How do we actively maintain and create “digital libraries” that last as long as our analog counterparts have.

Wait wait sikkun, I am not talking about owning a digital copy or a physical one.
The cd key IS in the installation. You don’t need it “physically”.
It was encoded in the mpq :slight_smile:
That’s how bnet sees that your copy of the game is original.
Then, one day, blizzard decides that you have to reenter it.
Authentication protocol are already sound.
There was no reason whatsoever to ask for the key again when you are already authenticated.
That was just basically lame.

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I think they are overpaid and Blizzard should even pay them less. How the F can some people i create a private ladder in their freetime and not getting paid a cent for that? This is a feature that the old game had. from 2003. Now it is 7 month after realease. Btw the name of the private ladder is “w3champions” -But i guess Blizzard employees are too underpaid to use google or reddit.


underpaid employees is the new lie they are pushing? lol