Wc3 reforged supports Wc3 TFT custom maps?

Hi :blush:
If I make a map right now on my TFT client, will I be able to load it in the Reforged world editor when it is released? I’d like to make a map that demonstrates the power of the editor for when it will be released :smiley:


Yes all maps you create will be able to Ported over to the new editor and updated. <----- Thats straight from blizzard

Now this part is just my opinion, but dont be surprised that there might be some issues porting some maps over. lol


the editor will likely not change. think of it this way: the editor will likely still use the same files but, the content of said files is different.

Thank you very much :slight_smile: !!!
My plan will be to use only blizzard official tools, it should help :smiley:
Time to make an exciting and unique map!!

I wish so badly to play a TFT on warcraft 3 reforged ! Tell me when your map is done, please, please ! I wanted to make one myself but i suck at programming or whatever like that.

You don’t have to know any programming to make a great map in Warcraft III.
You only need your imagination and the GUI Trigger Editor is very easy to learn.

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