WC3 Reforged GFX fix teamcolor FPS drops Stuttering

Hi i really like that blizzard WC3 RTS team is working on a game and WC3 2.0 is step in right direction but there is still some problems in term of GFX that need to be fixed.

I love wc3classic iconic GFX and HD classic is an good improvement on original.(Still i would love to see HD +)

But for WC3 reforged there is still some core problems that make them harder to use then original.

WC3R new 2.0 terrain is great improvement compare to old one and game look more like WOW mists of pandori a direction.(pushing that art stile)

But as for WC3 refoged models (units) ther is still room to improve it.

The biggest problem with them is TEAM COLOUR or lack of it on units so its hard to difference it in male 1v1 2v2 4v4 fights.

Second is there is day and night time in WC3 and during night time its also easy to see classic unite models have florescent lighting on their teamcolors but Reforged models dont have florescent lighting on their team colors so its herder to play male with them …

There is also problem when you use Reforged GFXs with FPS drops -stuttering that making game harder to play competitively with Ref GFX…

Ty for reading hope WC3RTS team could work on wc3 reforged models to fix teamcolor lightning FPS drops and on… :slight_smile:

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