Wc3 is ruined

The net neutrality guidance your so mad got struck down was literally making internet a basic utility…

Take internet away and our society would crumble the same as it would without electricity. From banking systems to airlines, etc. Everything relies on it…it’s a utility.

USA laws have not caught up with that yet, but doesn’t really change that it is critical infrastructure.

Yes. It was. And now it’s not because it’s not there anymore thanks to corporate greed.

And it’s also corporate greed that’s insistent on tying our entertainment to the internet as a whole. If the internet is not legally a basic utility in the US, then anything can happen to it, which makes tying the things that keep us sane to it inherently dangerous.

It’s currently regulated by the same entity in the same way they have regulated telephones for over 100 years. Are you going to argue telephones were not a basic requirement for normal people to be able to function successfully in life?

Even water, does the government take public water to every citizen? No, many citizens are responsible for their own water. Electricity has been better regulated, which ironically is less essential than water.

But our life it already tied to the internet that isn’t going to reverse, what will change is who regulates it.

The FCC doesn’t regulate the internet anymore. They’ve passed that task over to the FTC, which immediately disproves your first point.

Your other two points aren’t even worth responding to.

FCC does still handle most regulation of telecommunications companies. Which happen to be all our your ISPs.

But seriously, being completely afraid of life being tied to the internet and arguing it on the internet is some nice irony.

The internet isn’t going to collapse any more than all our other for profit ran utilities.

USA is not the country you want to live in if you really want nationalized utilities. (Both have merits, but USA is clearly not changing anytime soon)

That may be so, but I’m less worried about the internet collapsing and more worried about ISPs price-gouging, which would force me to cut the other cord.

Even more than that, I don’t trust Blizzard to remove their DRM in the event (unlikely or otherwise) that they go out of business. Again, I don’t pay for entertainment products only to have my ability to use them disabled by the original creators.

You literally don’t know what you are talking about. There were at least 10000 players active everyday on Battle.net + single player. Numbers that you could verify easily before the update. Reforged didn’t do anything good for Warcraft 3, in fact I bet a lot of people won’t play because the classic versions were ruined. The new interface, or whatever you like to call it, is messy, looks pretty bad and a lot of maps that I enjoyed aren’t playable. The update made the game laggier and they should of made Reforged a distinct version that can be bought separately just like Reign Of Chaos and The Frozen Throne. For me at least, it ruined the experience. I just wish they would of stopped making patches and updates for this game like 6 years ago. They messed with Battle.net a lot of times and with the game in general but this time they screwed up big time. I can’t even complain to customer service or to a support team because there is no option under which this type of complaint falls. Whatever…


Does anyone know where I can submit a complaint? I want to request that they make the classic versions distinct, separating Reforged and those two. If we all request this (without insulting, respectfully), maybe we’ll be heard! It just hurts my heart to see Warcraft 3 like this and I actually feel betrayed by Blizzard. I didn’t buy Reforged so I don’t want any changes that are literally so bad visually, but also affect the gameplay! It’s been more than 15 years since I play Warcraft 3. I think our opinions are valid and should be heard, it’s not just some “dramatization”.


Unfortunately this is really the only place to post complaints.

hullo, i am canadian

Indeed there is no way to undo this mess.

Recovery is meh, because peoples mood swings are hard to capture back.

Only some of them do.

This is a literal lie and I hope you choke on it

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im sorry if you have suffered. the world needed to return state before error or clich that occured during 2003-2004. if you´re still hoping the wrongful state would return. well good luck on that.

I was playing Offline.
I still want to beat bots on hard XD and only played Online with Friends.

According to Wikipedia 86.2% of Canadians know some level of English. Hence “most” is more appropriate.