WASD Camera Keybind

Anyone know any method to make WASD a camera movement option? Mouse scrolling has always been awkward for me.

And before anyone mentions it, there are more buttons to use as keybinds for abilites other than WASD.


I am very curious about this as well. Was hoping the back end options were more in line with StarCraft 2/ HOTS were this can be remapped in game.

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I put the game menu for beys to custom, open txt file … but… there are no arrow keys for rebind ;(((((( I need also WSAD… that cursor keys are useless, u can not use anything else than within keyboard. And moving camera with mouse… - ridiculous, its for amateurs.


Yeah I am puzzled how this didn’t make it into the game. The models and textures are great but this is a very basic improvement that pretty much every other RTS has these days. Be nice to see this added.


am I blind, or there they are really not in that txt file for rebind ?? can not really find it. looks like camera movement is missing?

You’re not blind, I don’t see them in any config files. Very frustrating and silly. Given all of the other features dropped from this, you would figure they would at least throw some Quality of Life fixes at us.

WC3 is not meant to be played with keyboard for camera controls, its intended to be played by scrolling the screen using the mouse. Using the keyboard to map scroll prevents you from using the other hotkeys, which Wc3 has many of (over 50 actually).

Here is a guide for the most common and comfortable setup to play WC3 with:

Just click here ^

So much for the “modernized” and updated remaster right?

Also to wc3tutor, it should be our choice what hotkeys we want to use. I’m perfectly fine clicking building options in their assigned menus. For unit abilities and items having them assigned to like 1, 2, 3, 4, q, r, f, c with shift modifiers would be more than enough.

Again the whole point of a PC game is to let us decide how we want to control the game…


look I understand, I agree, and you are right

Unfortunately, its very complicated to organize all of the hotkeys (over 50 of them) around WASD… some people use the Numpad for hotkeys and the arrow keys, but personally I think its really bad to play that way

Obviously, its your choice. Maybe you are a casual single player kinda guy who isn’t good at RTS, but heres the thing, if you want to actually play halfway decent without developing bad habits, then you should just stop thinking about WASD for camera movement, cuz that’s now how this game is intended to be played, this isn’t a First/3rd person game its a table-top/top-down style RTS

I literally don’t give a crap about being competitive in an RTS. I just play the campaign mode and custom maps. So to use the hotkeys I actually want to use should be my choice.

I prefer more modern approaches to real time strategy like Total War: Warhammer 2 for actual online play anyways. It had this foreign concept where you had the ability to pause the game in singleplayer mode (or co-op) and issue out orders even if you couldn’t do it in competitive matches. A feature WC3 sorely lacked.

I’ve played games with similar features, slow-mode or pause or rewind, and while it can be fun for a little while (mainly in single player) it actually makes the game a lot easier.

And no its not “sorely lacking” in WC3 lol its just not needed cause it wouldn’t benefit the game or the players

My comment about not using WASD for camera wasn’t specifically meant to say “you have to play competitively” all I said was that its not a good habit to bring into this game, as its not the original design intention

How can you say it wouldn’t benefit the players when it would literally benefit me? Just like how full control over my own hotkeys would also benefit me? I’m not even asking for Blizzard to put the pause or slow down feature into the game that was just an offhand comment on more enjoyable RTS games. All I’m asking for is basic keyboard customization. Hell even doing it your way involves a clunky edit of game files to even function.

Most PC games pride themselves on being able to go into a menu and doing it in game…

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Slowmo/rewind would be cool for a custom map within WC3, it would not be cool for campaign or competitive ladder.

Hotkey customization is possible. I understand there is a portion of the player base that gets quite upset when somebody mentions the text files. I understand a small # of people don’t like following the guide I posted for grid aligned hotkeys. Unfortunately, I do not work for Blizzard so I cannot force them to make those changes that you are asking for. All I can do is try to give advice to new/casual players about what the majority of other players do to make the best of a crappy situation. I know all about the flaws of this game, and its up to you to decide how you deal with them. Either you can complain, or you can choose to play a different game, but if you want to play this game, all I can do is offer you suggestions on how this game is best played

If you don’t like what Im saying, then I apologize, but I am not trying to offend you in anyway at all

Nah no offense taken. Just making sure my voice is heard from Blizzard if any of the CM’s they didn’t fire are still left and available to read their own forums. Basic hotkey customization in game is a very simple feature that’s just expected in PC games.

Editing files doesn’t scare me. I play CK2 and edit tons of files to mod the game as I wish. Especially the warcraft overhaul they have for it. But that work is for a much bigger change to the game than merely re-assigning hotkeys.

I mean even the poorly done FF8 remaster from square lets you go in and edit the hotkeys as clunky as it is. When it’s very obvious the controls are still mapped to a virtual controller and certain actions are tied to the same “key”.

how many buttons or keys are used in FF8? I don’t know, Im guessing less than 20?

do you know how many are in Wc3? over 50, and depending on how your setup differs from mine, theres millions of combinations for different keys

When WC3 was originally designed, the devs back in 2001 were struggling with various areas (mainly balance) but they sorely lacked the knowledge of modern games at the time, and accidentally forgot to make the hotkeys fully customizable, they only made certain keys (letter keys) customizable, but not any other keys… and the team behind Reforged is very very small and was (apparently) unable to fix a lot of the old problems with the engine unfortunately :frowning:

but the thing is… theres several different tools you can download including the ones from my guide posted above, and theres also Warkeys which gives you a full UI for hotkey customization, so I mean we do have these things, there just not built into the game, they are separate downloads, but who cares? they do still work!

the controls are quite similar to dota/dota 2, and i’m a top 700 divine player in dota 2 with using wasd for camera controls lol. its obviously possible and if someone finds it more comfortable to play with that you can’t just call them a dog and a casual lmfao

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Middle mouse button camera move was made back when there was rarely even scroll wheels on the mouse. Mouse had third button similar to what we have now with only left/right. It’s pain to push scroll wheel in most modern mice and keep it down while moving the camera. And it’s inverted for some reason unless i missed the option to put it normal way

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