What needs to be done in order to fix the situation of the game and that I would buy the game again.
- Offer everyone who bought the game before February 1 to make a refund for the purchase.
- Create 3 campaign options:
1: Classical without any changes
2: Classic with minimal edits
3: New completely redesigned campaign containing many new scenes and new voice acting.
Also remove completely the glow of units/hero in games videos.
- Remove from the user agreement in WorldEditor that the map created by the author belongs to Blizzard. And remove the tabu on the use of content from other games/project.
And yes do not ban for these words:
“If I create a map in WorldEditor and call it “Blizzard it sht" it will belong to Blizzard, which means Blizzard officially recognizes that it is "sht”.”
- Add Campaigns from “Warcraft 1/2” as well as the same mode with the rules and all that was in these parts of the series
- Make an analogue of Steam Workshop for Map’s/Models.
- Save Russian voice acting:
A lot of voice acting is done terribly and without emotionally.
Arthas(Emotionless. Please use use the person who voiced it in the BFA and Lich King)
Arhimond(It voice too similar to Thrall and hard to distinguish. So the voice is different from what we heard in Warlord of Draenor.)
- Fix models: Pit Lord(He is terrible but not scary, looks like a toad with sharp teeth.), Fat Dreadlord(The fat lord of horror looks just awful and out of proportion.)
- For the future, instead of creating:
HotS 2, StarCraft 3, WarCraft 4 and other Strategy/Moba, better create a single game for all these games.
What will it give?
1: Not shared online(Someone plays custom games and can come to play StarCraft or Warcraft at any time.)
2: Improving this engine, you improve all the games at once and not only 1. This reduces the number of bugs and errors.
3: Ten times more models and textures are available for players, so players can create any map using only Blizzard content. And this means that the author of the map will make any map faster and it will weigh less due to the fact that there will be fewer models that the author added there.
BlizzardCraft - Since Starcraft 2 and HotS are free.I advise you to do all the paid campaigns(DLC). It implements several strategies at once, as well as many custom maps.
Immediately add a few standard game modes: StarCraft(1 & 2), HotS(Arena, DoTa and other), Warcraft(Warcraft 2 with 3D, Warcraft 3)
Add to it all the models and so on from all Blizzard games as well as canceled models that have been canceled.
Make an analogue of Steam Workshop and allow content in it +18(Excluding regional bans, for example, it is prohibited in China but not prohibited in the USA, in the USA this content can be downloaded in China.)
Add all unused models as additional content for map creators, especially those not added from HotS(For example warcraft goblin shop on a space station)